PM Viktor Orbán of Hungary: Modern-Day Hero :: By Geri Ungurean


  He stood against the forced migration of Muslims into his country. PM Orban has always known the agenda of the U.N. and George Soros. With their “Open Borders” philosophy, they can wipe out any semblance of culture and Christian beliefs in a country. He has stood against this and spoken about it, and he […]

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He stood against the forced migration of Muslims into his country. PM Orban has always known the agenda of the U.N. and George Soros. With their “Open Borders” philosophy, they can wipe out any semblance of culture and Christian beliefs in a country. He has stood against this and spoken about it, and he inspires me.


During his speech opening parliament, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán slammed the West for engaging in mass migration policies, claiming western countries were experimenting with a “great replacement.”

Prime Minister Orbán was sworn in as Hungarian government leader for the fifth time this week and spoke out about various topics in his speech to the parliament, including commenting on the mass migration policies of Western Europe.

According to Orbán, the West is engaging in a “suicidal wave” and stated that western countries were “experimenting with the programme of great replacement,” referring to the theory of population exchange and demographic shifts coined by French writer Renaud Camus, newspaper Le Figaro reports.

According to Orbán, the programme of replacement “wants to replace endangered Christian children with migrants from other civilizations,” and stated he saw gender ideology in the same manner, referring to it as “madness.”

Twitter on Viktor Orbán <click here

Twitter on Breitbart London <click here

“And there are others who sense the problem of declining demographics, and they want migration. They believe alien peoples from distant lands should be moved in and that will stop the demographic decline. But mass migration… the millions of people who have been lured here, are basically a global plan of moving in the new proletariat,” he said.

The theory of the “Great Replacement” or Grand Remplacement in French, has been gaining traction in France in recent years and was often invoked by former presidential candidate Eric Zemmour during the first round of the presidential race this year.

A poll from November of last year revealed that half of the French public believes in the Great Replacement, the theory that mass migration and demographic changes are being orchestrated by elites who view human beings as replaceable units in what Camus describes as “undifferentiated human matter.”

“The change of people and civilization for the sake of the industry of man, the economic system which produces the Undifferentiated Human Matter, the human Nutella, spreadable at will,” Camus told Breitbart London in November of 2018. Twitter Breitbart <click here – Viktor Orbán of Hungary Makes EPIC Speech on Patriotism and Surge of Migrants into Europe (originally written in 2019)

This man is a hero. He speaks for every freedom-loving person on this planet. He is PM Orbán of Hungary. He knows what it is like to be overtaken, and he also knows freedom. I have documented his words in English for the convenience of the reader. I have also added my own commentary with his words.

Please send this to as many people as you can. The world needs to know that this mass forced migration of these so-called refugees is not grounded in humanitarianism. It is part of the ultimate plan of the U.N. to knock down all borders, to get the world ready for the NWO!

PM Orbán making epic speech <click to watch

Manuscript of speech with my commentary bolded (remember that this article is from 2019):

The destiny of the Hungarians has become intertwined with that of Europe’s nations and has grown to be so much a part of the union that, today, not a single people – including the Hungarian people – can be free if Europe is not free. And today, Europe is as fragile and sickly as “A flower being eaten away by a hidden worm.”

And the destiny of the American people has become intertwined with the wishes of the Globalists of the U.N. to destabilize the nations of the world.

Today, after 168 years since the great wars of independence of the European peoples, Europe, our common home, is not free! Ladies and gentlemen, Europe is not free, because freedom begins with speaking the truth. Today in Europe, it is forbidden to speak the truth. Even if it is made of silk, a muzzle is a muzzle.

And in America, the leftists rioted in the streets, calling President Trump “Hitler” because he wanted to keep Americans safe from possible harm from migrants who are not yet vetted.

It is forbidden to say that those arriving are not refugees but that Europe is threatened by migration. It is forbidden to say that the tens of millions are set out in our direction. It is forbidden to say that immigration brings crime and terror to our countries.

Those who stood with our President Trump to halt migration from seven countries where terrorism is out of control – those people were disparaged and beaten.

It is forbidden to point out that the masses arriving from other civilizations endanger our way of life, our culture, and our Christian traditions. It is forbidden to point out that those who have arrived earlier have already built up their own new separate world for themselves, with its own laws and ideals, which is forcing apart the thousand-year-old structure of Europe.

Many Muslim migrants do NOT wish to assimilate into our society. Rather, they wish to bring their lifestyle here, and they want Sharia law to replace our Constitution.

It is forbidden to point out that this is not an accidental and unintentional chain of consequences but a pre-planned and orchestrated operation; a mass of people directed toward us. It is forbidden to say that in Brussels they are concocting schemes to transport foreigners here as quickly as possible and to settle them here among us. It is forbidden to point out that the purpose of settling people here is to reshape the religious and cultural landscape of Europe, and to reengineer its ethnic foundations — thereby eliminating the last barrier to internationalism: the nation-states.

These migrants are being sent to Europe and to America as a big step toward destabilizing our nations – the ultimate goal – open borders.

It is forbidden to say that Brussels is not stealthily devouring more and more slices of our national sovereignty and that in Brussels many are now making a plan for the United States of Europe, for which no one has ever given authorization.

Ladies and gentleman, today’s enemies of freedom are cut from a different cloth than the royal and imperial rulers of old, or those who ran the Soviet System; they used a different set of tools to force us into submission. Today, they do not imprison us, they do not transport us to concentration camps, and they do not send in tanks to occupy countries loyal to freedom.

Instead of tanks and artillery – many migrants bring with them political jihad. They plan to overtake America bit by bit – creating “no go” zones. And this spreads like a cancer throughout our nation.

Today, the international media’s artillery bombardments, denunciations, threats and blackmail are enough — or rather have been enough so far. The peoples of Europe are slowly awakening; they are regrouping and will soon regain ground. Europe’s beams that rest on the suppression of truth are creaking and cracking.

The peoples of Europe may have finally understood that their future is at stake. Now, not only are their prosperity, cozy lives, and jobs at stake, but our very security and the peaceful order of their lives are menaced as well.

Americans are finally understanding that our future is at stake, and the leftwing media are fighting conservatives tooth and nail.

At last, the peoples of Europe, who have been slumbering in abundance and prosperity, have understood that the principles that Europe has been built on are in mortal danger. Europe is the community of Christian, free and independent nations; equality of men and women; fair competition and solidarity; pride and humility; justice and mercy.

The people of America are in mortal danger. Our President Trump tried to halt the migration of people from countries of extreme terrorism, until there is a better way to vet migrants.

This time the danger is not attacking us the way that wars and natural disasters do, suddenly pulling the rug from under our feet. Mass migration is a slow stream of water persistently eroding the shores. It is masquerading as a humanitarian cause, but its true nature is occupation of territory. And what is gaining territory for them is losing territory for us.

Yes, it IS masquerading as a humanitarian cause, but it’s true nature is nefarious. And this begs the question as to WHY countries such as Saudi Arabia and other Arabic nations refuse to have these people migrate to their countries! Their cultures are similar, and they speak the same language.

Flocks of obsessed human rights defenders feel the overwhelming urge to reprimand us and to make allegations against us. Allegedly, we are hostile xenophobes. But the truth is that the history of our nation is one of inclusion and the history of the intertwining of cultures. Those who have sought to come here as new family members, as allies, or as displaced persons, fearing for their lives, have been let in to make a new home for themselves.

In America, left-wing radicals disparaged us and our President Trump – saying that we have no mercy. President Trump was trying to keep us safe!

But those who have come here with the intention of changing our country, shaping our nation in their own image, those who have come with violence and against our will — have always been met with resistance.

Ladies and gentlemen, at first they talk about only a few hundred, a thousand or two thousand relocated people, but not a single responsible European leader would dare to swear under oath that this couple of thousands will not eventually increase to tens or hundreds of thousands.

If we want to halt this mass migration, first we must curb Brussels. The main danger to Europe’s future does not come from those who want to come here but from Brussels’ fanatical internationalism. We should not allow Brussels to place itself above the law. We shall not allow it to force upon us the bitter fruit of its cosmopolitan immigration policy.

Globalists are responsible for the unrest and rioting in America. And one name stands out more than any other. That name is George Soros. He funds and orchestrates all protests that benefit and further globalism.

We shall not import to Hungary crime, terrorism, and synagogue burning Anti-Semitism. There shall be no urban districts beyond the reach of the law. There shall be no mass disorder, no immigrant riots here, and there shall be no gangs hunting down our women and daughters.


We shall not allow others to tell us whom we can let into our home and country, whom we will live alongside, and with whom we will share our country. We know how these things go: first, we allow them to tell whom we must take in, then they force us to serve foreigners in our own country. In the end, we find ourselves being told to pack up and leave our own land.

Therefore, we reject the forced resettlement scheme, and we shall tolerate neither blackmail nor threats. The time has come to ring the warning bell. The time has come for opposition and resistance. The time has come to gather allies to us. The time has come to raise the flag of proud nations.

We ARE ringing the warning bell, but the mainstream media and leftwing liberals are being paid by George Soros to continue to cause unrest and violence.

The time has come to prevent the destruction of Europe and to save the future of Europe. To this end, regardless of party affiliation, we call on every citizen of Hungary to unite; and we call on every European nation to unite. The leaders and citizens of Europe must no longer live in two separate worlds. We must restore the unity of Europe. We, the peoples of Europe, cannot be free individually if we are not free together.

And we in America will lose our liberties, and our Constitution will ultimately be made null and void.

If we unite our forces, we can succeed; if we pull in different directions, we shall fail. Together we are strength; disunited we are weakness. Either together or not at all — today, this is the law.

Hungarians, in 1848 it was written in the book of fate that nothing could be done against the Habsburg Empire. If we had resigned ourselves to that outcome, our fate would have been sealed, and the German sea would have swallowed up the Hungarians.

In 1956 it was written in the book of fate that we were to remain an occupied and Sovietized country until patriotism was extinguished in the very last Hungarian. If then we had resigned ourselves to that outcome, our fate would have been sealed, and the Soviet sea would have swallowed up the Hungarians.

The U.N. wishes to extinguish “Patriotism” in every county. Patriotism stands in the way of “Globalism.”

Today it is written in the book of fate that hidden, faceless world powers will eliminate everything that is unique, autonomous, age-old and national. They will blend cultures, religions and populations until our many-faceted and proud Europe will finally become bloodless and docile. And if we resign ourselves to this outcome, our fate will be sealed; and we will be swallowed up in the enormous belly of the United States of Europe.

The task which awaits the Hungarian people, the nations of central Europe, and the other European nations which have not yet lost all common sense is to defeat, rewrite and transform the fate intended for us. We Hungarians and Poles know how to do this. We have been taught that one can only look danger in the face if one is brave enough.

We must therefore drag the ancient virtue of courage out from under the silt of oblivion. First of all, we must put steel in our spines, and we must answer clearly with a voice loud enough to be heard far and wide the foremost and single most important question determining our fate. The question upon which the future of Europe stands or falls is this:

Shall we be slaves, or men set free? — That is the question – Answer me! Go for it, Hungary! Go for it, Hungarians!

And I say Go for it, America! Let us have the courage to keep our Republic for the sake of our forefathers… for the sake of those who fought to keep us safe!

Let us stand for what is right!

How Can I Be Saved?

Shalom b’Yeshua


The post PM Viktor Orbán of Hungary: Modern-Day Hero :: By Geri Ungurean appeared first on Rapture Ready.

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