ALL you need to know about the gay homosexual issue from a theological point of view


Spiritual warfare is real, and the evidence is everywhere. [Sean Feucht-blog] Much of the enemy's agenda is subtle or subliminal. But other times, the enemy is so bold and brazen as to bring the spiritual battlefield mainstr...

347 thoughts on “ALL you need to know about the gay homosexual issue from a theological point of view

    1. Troy Day, you keep using your dictatorial power as admin to eliminate any mention that questions your faith in the Gap myth. Why is that? Don’t you think the Gap myth, and Dake’s other crackpot theological ideas can stand the scrutiny of criticism?

  1. ‘Homosexuality’ for psychologists, Gen Y and Z, much of Gen X means someone who has sexual attraction for the same gender.

    Is it a sin to struggle with same-sex attraction for those afflicted with this, or is it a sin to act on it (e.g. yielding their eyes to lust, or even worse actions.)

    Some preachers say ‘homosexuals will go to hell’. Then those who have these feelings, who have been told that they are gay and that that is how they are born and who they are and all that stuff, think they are going to Hell because of the way they were made.

    Romans 1 and I Corinthians 6 address those who perform certain acts, not those who struggle with certain desires. It is important to make this distinction if you want to minister to people with this problem, and the graphic on this post does not.

    1. Additionally, a problem we have on Facebook (and I have done this), is proclaiming loudly that homosexual behavior is abomination without realizing we may be pushing homosexual Facebook friends away from hearing us on being born again. We need to befriend them without giving the impression that we agree or support a perverted lifestyle

  2. Troy Day What do you disagree with? Do you think people who struggle with same-sex attraction but don’t act on it are going to Hell? What about teenage boys who struggle to keep their thoughts pure and not think about fornication? Are they all going to Hell, too? Is it a sin to be attracted to girls to the extent of having to struggle to keep your thoughts pure?

  3. Link I wasnt talking to you either agreeing or disagreeing with you. See I didnt tag you and you knew not who I was talking to – the very purpose of tagging on facebook

  4. I found it an interesting point of discussion with my younger yet secular trump voting brother about the Roseanne show and the young boy who dressed up any way he wanted and what my brother would do if he had a child that age , I was kind of surprised that he would go old school on him with a belt or spoon on a child who didn’t know any better .

  5. Read Genesis 1:and it tells you all that God made and the day He made it. On the sixth day Be made man. He let us make man in Our Image and Likeness. Then He said everything that He made He said was very good. Then He said in Romans 1: 21. Because that when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God , neither were thankful ; but became vain in their imaginations , and their foolish heart was darkened (speaks of the rejection of Light. Jesus is The Light ) Verse 22 : Professing themselves to be wise , they became fools (v23) And changed the glory of the Incorruptible God unto an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds and four footed beast, and creeping things (24) Where fore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves (25)Who chanted the Truth Of God unto a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator., Who is Blessed forever. Amen. (26) for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections (God moved His restraints ) for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature (27) And likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman , burned in their lust one toward another , men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet (28) And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind , to do those things which are not convenient. ( you read the rest down through verse 32. But the point is in Genesis. He said He made man and everything he made very good.

  6. Are we teaching our people the scriptures about dealing with fleshly lust
    Rom 13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

    1. No I was just making a comment. That it was God turned them Omer to unnatural. And they wasn’t born that way. Because God made man in His Own Image. And said after He made man , it was very good. So it wasn’t because God made them like that. They was turned ver to lustful sins. Because they didn’t give God any praise. I was trying to say it wasn’t because they was born that way. Noe I know through some things can. Cause certain things. Like the genes in your body can cause certain things to happen to our bodies. But I don’t believe he man or women to be naturally born that way that causes them to be lustful toward one another. Romans 1: will tell yo all about they became that way. Or I don’t think so. But I don’t claim to know everything. But I know what the Bible says.

  7. I wasn’t trying to say anything toward things they believe. They are wright. Doctors certain genes in your bodies does mess up. So I wasn’t trying to call him ring on genes. But I believe God had something to do about the lustful sins of whom together, and man together.

  8. Robert Erwine How did you resolve it with your younger yet secular trump voting brother?>

    1. Except that voting for Trump in this election, especially after the primaries were he emerged on top of the Republican pack, was the most moral thing to do considering Hillary Clinton is a vile and evil criminal with a dangerous radical left-wing agenda comprable to that of Barack Obama.

  9. Troy Day, homosexuality is clearly forbidden in Scripture (Leviticus 18:22 ,20:13; Romans 1:26-28; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10), however if we’re to take scripture serious about what is normal sexuality, then we should take scripture seriously in Genesis 1 when it says that God created the heavens and the Earth in 6 literal 24 hour days only thousands of years ago! Wouldn’t you say?

    1. Link Hudson, homosexual desire and acts are both forbidden. God doesn’t approve of two men or two women having sexual relations as 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 clearly tells that no homosexual will enter the kingdom of God.

    2. Literal interpretation of a command against a certain behavior and literal interpretation of the Genesis 1 is not analogous. Literal interpretation means to interpret the scriptures within the context and intent of the author. For example “I Am the Bread from Heaven” would not require the interpreter to regard that Jesus is physically made of yeast, flour and salt since the context and intent are easily discernible by the reader as indicating a metaphor is being used. The prohibition against homosexual behavior is within the context of a legal code of impermissible acts and should be interpreted within that context. Genesis 1 is not as clear in its context, it could be historical narrative, it could be poetic license, it could be something else. The two issues are not comparable.

    3. James L Alldredge, in biblical hermeneutics context is king! The literal context of 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 is that no one who practices homosexual behavior, will enter the kingdom of God. It lines up with Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, and Romans 1:26-28 and clearly demarcates a scripture-wide condemnation of homosexuality by God. Having said that, sticking Genesis 1 into this discussion is a clear fallacy of equivocation on your part. For one, the context of Genesis 1:1-31 it is cut and dried. The Hebrew word for time is “Yom”, which could mean any span/period of time, including a 24 hour day.

      However each of the six days of creation are 24 hour periods, demarcated by an evening and morning.

    4. Pete Fiske why do some young earthers insist days vack then were 24 hpurs. If you definition of hour is 1/24th of the time from sunup to sunset that would make sense. But otherwise the Biblle does not say days back then were the same length are today. It os like scientists asuming the speed of light is constant and using that as an axiom. Joshua led Israel in battle on a day that lasted more than 24 hours.

    5. Link Hudson, the calendar day has always been 24 hours, give or take a few seconds based on slight anomalies in the rotation of the Earth. As I pointed out, the Hebrew word for time is “yom”, which could mean a 24-hour day, an extended period of time, or a season of time, like a holiday season for example. Joshua’s day would be considered a miracle since it was a supernatural intervention that extended time for Joshua to win his battle against the Gibeonites.

      Besides God miraculously extending one day doesn’t suggest that the days of Genesis were anything–but 24-hour periods considering the fact that the context with respect to time of Genesis 1 is that of one calender week divided up in 6 literal days.

      No matter how hard Genesis compromisers try, if they’re intellectually honest they cannot tap dance around the literal context of Genesis 1, which is that God created everything in six literal days, only thousands of years ago. Furthermore, there is no Gap to be found a Genesis 1, which is nothing but a unbiblical creation of Scottish theologian Thomas Chalmers in his effort to make scripture fit with the erroneous and emerging evolutionary ideas of the early 19th century.

  10. Homosexuality is a congenital condition much like being “left handed”. Before you dismiss the analogy remember there were times in history when being left-handed (the archaic meaning of “sinister”) meant you were possessed by evil. You could have been hanged, burned, stoned to death or buried alive. Having personally lived in an Arab country, I can assure you that being left-handed was something that I did my best to hide. Today we know that left handedness is the result of excess testosterone slowing the growth of the left-hemisphere in the developing fetal brain. It’s not a choice. It’s a condition.

    Ironically, homosexuality is caused much the same way as being left-handed. Instead of excess tests , Researchers naturally focus on an organ in the brain called the hypothalamus because it is known to be responsible for gender preference. It is also what is called dimorphic, meaning its structure is different in males and females. There’s also differences in the hypothalamus between homosexuals and heterosexuals. Recent studies of the different sections or nuclei have revealed much that was not known before. And there have also been some surprises.

    With advances in laboratory technology, a specific region of the hypothalamus, called the sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN), has been the focus of some interesting research. The SDN is the most conspicuous anatomical male/female difference in the mammalian brain. The nuclei is 3 to 8 times larger in males than in females. Another nuclei of the hypothalamus, INAH-3, reveals that heterosexual males have double the volume of both homosexual and female subjects.erone, the developing male fetus receives too little, often too late. A review of current research shows that there is no evidence supporting a social cause for homosexuality . On the contrary, there are multiple studies, both with animals and humans, demonstrating the causative relationship with the pre-natal testosterone during a critical stage in “defeminization”.

    Dr. Harry Harlow’s famous studies with Rhesus monkeys demonstrated that such things as love and the ability to nurture healthy children was a learned skill that could be altered by after birth experiences. This non-biologic effect may play a role in female homosexuality and may also be a contributing factor in the degree to which congenital homosexuality is either expressed or repressed. But they do not cause homosexuality. Embryology teaches that early embryos all start out as female. At some point in early gestation, if the chromosomes destine the fetus to be male, the embryo is altered by the genetically programmed addition of certain hormones, called androgens. These androgens, especially testosterone, instruct the embryo to develop male characteristics. In their absence, the embryo continues to develop into a female.

    An “XX” pair of chromosomes will yield a female; an “XY” pair will result in a male. The “X” is always contributed from the mother (since she has only “X’s”), but the father can contribute either an “X” or a “Y”– so it is the father’s genetic contribution that determines the gender of the child. If homosexual men have “XY” pairs which are typically male in all respects, what makes their hypothalamus different? In a paper published almost a quarter of a century ago, a research psychologist at Villanova University was also puzzled about gender. Dr. Ingebog Ward was studying the sexual behavior of rats, years before the role of the hypothalamus was even suspected of gendering human brains.

    Dr. Ward divided some pregnant rats into three groups. Suspecting that something special might be happening in the early stages of pregnancy, she subjected the first group to stress during the first ten days of gestation by irritating the mother rats to bright lights, noise and annoying vibrations. Ten days in a rat’s pregnancy corresponds to the first trimester (3 months) of a human pregnancy. The second group was subjected to stress towards the end of their pregnancy, just before birth. The third group was comprised of male offspring from both prenatal stressed mothers and unstressed mothers. These babies were subjected to the same stress producing stimuli. s we begin to understand that homosexuality is not inherited, we note that it occurs in more or less the same frequency of the population. This could suggest that a preference for one’s own gender served some evolutionary benefit. If not, we should expect the perceived vulnerability of the developing fetal brain to have been corrected. But what could the benefit ? in Doctor Ward’s own words:

    “The resulting alterations in sexual behavior provide the basis for an effective population control mechanism, since offspring so affected would not possess the behavioral repertoire necessary to contribute to population growth. Thus, the environment, by triggering an adrenal stress response, may control the reproductive capacity of successive generations of differentiating fetuses and, thereby, population size. “

    1. I recently heard a psychologist say that male homosexuality resulted when a boy does not bond with his father in the early years. He was arguing for a nurture argument for it, as opposed to nature. But, be that as it may, people who engage in perverted forbidden sex acts generally choose to do so.

    2. Robert Erwine, you’re a known liberal activists who hasn’t betted himself into the Assemblies of God, and are corrupting denomination with unbiblical ideas including normalizing sexual perversion in this case homosexuality. Your entire message is nothing but left-wing propaganda, unsubstantiated by majority of psychological scholarship.

      The belief that homosexuality is genetic has been disproven by researchers for the last 20 years. Despite homosexual geneticist Dean Hammer best efforts the last 20 years, and a sympathetic left-wing media trying to peddle this canard, no gay gene has ever been found.

      (( This could suggest that a preference for one’s own gender serve some evolutionary benefit))
      Except that there couldn’t be an evolutionary benefit to anything, because evolution doesn’t happen the way secular fundamentalists and left-wing pseudo-Christians such as yourself imagine. Mutation and natural selection doesn’t build new genetic information over supposed millions of years, and the same neo-Darwinian processes actually delete and destroys existing genetic information making species less viable to survive.

      humans were created only thousands of years ago as Genesis teaches, and as Genesis also teaches, God made them male and female.

      “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
      – Genesis 1 29 NIV

      That doesn’t leave any room for homosexuality to be blessed, let alone part of the natural order that God created. What’s more, even from a supposed evolutionary point of view, there is no selective advantage for homosexual behavior. The reason is simple, the primary goal of organisms other than humans is to reproduce and carry on the species. in most of the higher animals and plants there must be a male and female of the species for the selective advantage of carrying on the species to perpetuate itself. Homosexuality provides no such advantage, as a matter of fact if homosexuality was more prevalent in nature, there wouldn’t be any life eventually.

    3. Robert Erwine, no biblical Christian believes that homosexual behavior is normal and natural. Those who call themselves “Christian”, yet believe in unbiblical and fallacious liberal propaganda, such as you do, are only giving lip service to the name and title Christian.”

    4. Robert Erwine; (( I think slander is a sin))
      Actually if you read scripture you would know that bearing false witness is a sin. But me expressing what is obvious, that you’re a left-wing activist disguising yourself as a “Christian” is pretty obvious. Anyways, bearing false witness is all about the person lying about himself or misrepresenting himself, which isn’t applicable here. No where in scripture does it say speaking truthful things, in this case that you’re a left-wing activist with a militant pro- LGBT agenda, is wrong.

    5. I never said ANYTHING about sexual activity as you if you have read my statements on my personal page and groups I never advocated sex outside of marriage or with a remarried person at any time , ever . because you follow an ideology based on hate , as in you need a bad guy Liberal , even though you have no idea what my credo or lifestyle is ! just because I suggest you perform an act of submission to my member does not actually mean I want you to actually do it , its an insult , a disgusting act . you have already defined my stance on everything and who I am and what kind of person I am .

    6. Robert Erwine, ((I have never said ANYTHING about sexual activity))
      That’s debatable, however, what you are doing clearly is promoting a sexually perverse lifestyle, as defined by God’s word. You then play the victim card when you’re called out on your promotion of this lifestyle which God calls “an abomination” [KJV] and ” detestable” [NIV] (Leviticus 18:22 []).

      If the moral Lawgiver, and Creator of the universe, including human sexuality said that homosexuality is “detestable” or “an abomination”, why should anyone who believes the Bible is the Word of God take your position on this issue seriously?

      ((you follow an ideology based on hate))
      That’s a pretty strong charge to make against an ideological perspective of reality that a majority of Americans, including bible-believing Christians adhere to.

      The fact is that liberals, either secular or quasi-religious, such as yourself, hate all things conservative and biblical in terms of morality and ideology. The left is the most hateful group in the United States.

    7. why are certain religious folks more obsessed with this subject than most ? you certainly seem to be an expert like Peter LaBarbera . help us to understand Pete Fiske

    8. Robert Erwine, I can’t speak for anyone but myself, so your attempt at lumping me in with Peter LaBarbera, whom I have no problem with and have met personally through conferences, is nothing more then biased stereotyping. And in case you haven’t checked the recent left wing playbook of terminologies, that trait is something that conservatives are supposed to be guilty of, but yet leftists like yourself are hypocritically practicing in your presentations and actions.

    9. Pete Fiske Do you think ‘sex outside of marriage’ would included sex between two ‘gay married’ men or two ‘gay married’ women. Do you think homosexuals having sex with each other is okay if the government gives them a certificate that says they are married? I mean that as a genuine question not an accusation.

    10. God will eccept no excuses for our sin. Some people are born with a greater temper than others. Some become violent to the point of injuring others or killing. Do we give them a pass? We can say all we want to, but what God has said is the only thing that will matter on the end.

    11. Your racionalizations are completely human and invalid Robert.

      Homosexuality is a sin and it is a choice we make, regardless where it came from. There are no conclusive proofs that it came from birth (most of the cases it comes from abuse, traumatic experiences in childhood, etc), but even if it did, the person’s have a choice of whether do it or not.

      People who truly love Christ surrender all of the sin tendencies or the sin in their lives.


      He created them male and a woman. And it was good.

      No excuses, either “scientific” or empirical. Sin is sin to God. It must go.

      Everything is possible x the one who believes in Christ… Is there anything impossible x God? Says the Word.

      I have a friend who was homesexual and God in Christ deliver him from this sinful perversion.

      God can do that for a person who surrenders completely to Him in love and obedience.

      God in Christ does NOT mistakes.

  11. Link Hudson the explanation you were given is very very old school and is now considered both wrong and bias Very homophobic BTW

    1. See my answer to Robert Troy.

      But if u support homosexuality before God, I still love, not matter your wrong conviction. God loves the sinner, but hates his sin. I do too.

      Your racionalizations are completely human and invalid Robert.

      Homosexuality is a sin and it is a choice we make, regardless where it came from. There are no conclusive proofs that it came from birth (most of the cases it comes from abuse, traumatic experiences in childhood, etc), but even if it did, the person’s have a choice of whether do it or not.

      People who truly love Christ surrender all of the sin tendencies or the sin in their lives.


      He created them male and a woman. And it was good.

      No excuses, either “scientific” or empirical. Sin is sin to God. It must go.

      Everything is possible x the one who believes in Christ… Is there anything impossible x God? Says the Word.

      I have a friend who was homesexual and God in Christ deliver him from this sinful perversion.

      God can do that for a person who surrenders completely to Him in love and obedience.

      God in Christ does NOT mistakes.

  12. Regardless of what sin you choose, we are all called as believers to “put to death the misdeeds of the body” by the Holy Spirit. To refuse to do so is rebellion against God, trampling the Son of God underfoot, and treating as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctifies us, and is an insult to the Spirit of grace.

  13. Randy H Johnson Link Hudson but they are Calvinists about it. They say they did not chose it but were genetically pre supposed to be that way They were born THAT way ~Lady Gaga And they claim that original sin made them born that way How do you argue that? Joe Absher

    1. Troy Day.
      There’s no conclusive evidence of that, but it is possible, because the Word says in Psalms 51:5

      “I have been evil from the day I was born; from the time I was conceived, I have been sinful.”

      And it is possible that genetically some babies could be predisposed it sinning in homosexuality, because the Word of God also points to the fact that sin comes as a form or curse generationally (we can see that in real life). See this:

      The Lord…visits the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation. (Exodus 34:6-7 = Deuteronomy 5:8-10)

      So, yes, it is possible x a child ot have homosexual tendencies when born or other sin, BUT, REGARDLESS, when God says that it is NOT right before him ot lie down with another member of the same sex, it’s because it is NOT. It is sinful and NOT right or admissible.

      Surrender ALL your iniquities to God and he will cleans you from them, the Words says.

      That goes x all of us, because we all have the propensity to sin. We ALL have sinned. But many of us do our best by the Spirit of Christ NOT to sin again by will.

      All homosexual sin by will.

  14. The forces against the gospel are well heeled and their arguments are entrenched. Thank God there are some good and credible Christian ministries for people in this particular lifestyle. I wish we could all help in some way. People need help and Jesus can help them. Maybe the best way is to get the sin out of our own life. Might help if our light was really light.

    1. Troy Day.
      There’s no conclusive evidence of that, but it is possible, because the Word says in Psalms 51:5

      “I have been evil from the day I was born; from the time I was conceived, I have been sinful.”

      And it is possible that genetically some babies could be predisposed it sinning in homosexuality, because the Word of God also points to the fact that sin comes as a form or curse generationally (we can see that in real life). See this:

      The Lord…visits the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation. (Exodus 34:6-7 = Deuteronomy 5:8-10)

      So, yes, it is possible x a child ot have homosexual tendencies when born or other sin, BUT, REGARDLESS, when God says that it is NOT right before him ot lie down with another member of the same sex, it’s because it is NOT. It is sinful and NOT right or admissible.

      Surrender ALL your iniquities to God and he will cleans you from them, the Words says.

      That goes x all of us, because we all have the propensity to sin. We ALL have sinned. But many of us do our best by the Spirit of Christ NOT to sin again by will.

      All homosexual sin by will.

  15. Link Hudson it certainly will if marriage is defined as union between one man and one woman. Then. gay marriage is outside of the Bible defined marriage So is the 2016 law Trump was to remove

    1. Troy Day.
      There’s no conclusive evidence of that, but it is possible, because the Word says in Psalms 51:5

      “I have been evil from the day I was born; from the time I was conceived, I have been sinful.”

      And it is possible that genetically some babies could be predisposed it sinning in homosexuality, because the Word of God also points to the fact that sin comes as a form or curse generationally (we can see that in real life). See this:

      The Lord…visits the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation. (Exodus 34:6-7 = Deuteronomy 5:8-10)

      So, yes, it is possible x a child ot have homosexual tendencies when born or other sin, BUT, REGARDLESS, when God says that it is NOT right before him ot lie down with another member of the same sex, it’s because it is NOT. It is sinful and NOT right or admissible.

      Surrender ALL your iniquities to God and he will cleans you from them, the Words says.

      That goes x all of us, because we all have the propensity to sin. We ALL have sinned. But many of us do our best by the Spirit of Christ NOT to sin again by will.

      All homosexual sin by will.

  16. I agree with the post. The Scriptures are clear about homosexuality being a sin. This is not even close to being a gray area. There is no ‘gay gene’. Yes, people struggle with same sex attraction for several reasons, but those reasons are not genetic. For males, the most common reason is that they were molested as children. This not only brought sexual confusion into their lives, but demonic oppression in may of them as well. In females, the devil uses abuse by males to drive them toward same sex attraction. The good news is that there is deliverance through the Lord Jesus Christ!

    1. Randy H Johnson, that’s what I have always been. You have just led a very sheltered existence and your worldview is reflective of hanging out primarily with folk who are complected like you. Come to the inner city where I have been pastoring for the last 20 years and see what I see every day and you will begin to understand my perspective on issues such as racism and poverty. Simply because I believe that the Scriptures teach economic & social justice as well as racial inclusion certainly does not mean that I reject the clear teaching of Scripture on sin. The difference between you and me is that I not only believe that fornication whether it be heterosexual or homosexual is sin, but I also believe that racism in all forms is sin. I believe that the oppression of the poor by the rich is sin. I believe that the separation of families at the border is sin. You ignore and are silent on social sins (with the exception of abortion) because to call out these sins is considered ‘left-wing’. The preachers that I hang out with are not nearly as limited as you are when it comes to the definition of sin. ?

    2. Link Hudson, I was specifically answering my long time associate, Randy H Johnson. My views regarding racism are well known in this forum. I refuse to debate the subject any longer with folk like you who simply don’t get it. It will take thew Holy Ghost to open your eyes.

    3. Joseph Kidwell why the aggressive attitude toward me? I do not recall ever discussing racism with you, and I wonder if you are just stereotyping me.

      I was responding to the idea of all racism being sinful when God treated different peoples-groups differently based on their history with his covenant people. I do not mean that applies directly to US race relations. But there are plenty of sins committed between peoples of different races without having to invent new sins not found in the Bible.

    4. Joseph Kidwell Joseph Kidwell wrote:
      “Randy H Johnson, that’s what I have always been. You have just led a very sheltered existence and your worldview is reflective of hanging out primarily with folk who are complected like you.”

      Joe, I assume you mean complacent?

      I am not complacent. I simply prioritize things differently than you. I have always considered personal suffering to be part and parcel of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. We are not of the world, so we should not expect to have everything that the world has. We are called to endure suffering like good soldiers of Christ Jesus. Our treasure is not here on earth, and we are admonished not to lay up treasures on earth, but if we have food and clothing to be content with that. The example given us is to learn to be content in any and every circumstance, whether well fed or hungry, abounding or abasing, to have the same response, in everything giving thanks (not protesting) because this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us.

      Joseph Kidwell wrote:
      “Come to the inner city where I have been pastoring for the last 20 years and see what I see every day and you will begin to understand my perspective on issues such as racism and poverty. Simply because I believe that the Scriptures teach economic & social justice as well as racial inclusion certainly does not mean that I reject the clear teaching of Scripture on sin.”

      The very first place that economic and social justice, as well as racial inclusion need to be practiced is in the Church itself. We are not called to judge the world, those outside the Church, but we are called to judge those INSIDE the Church. The Church does not have the right to say one word about social injustice or racism to the world until it has fulfilled Jesus’ command to love one another as He has loved us.

      The Church is not a part of the world. The Church is separate from the world, even though it is located in the world, which means the Church should be doing everything right itself in regards to social and economic justice and racial inclusion; being such a bright light in contrast with the world that the world can’t help but see how the Church outpaces it in regards to these issues. When we are actually doing ourselves the things we are demanding from the world, then we have a leg to stand on, otherwise we are just noise.

      Joseph Kidwell wrote:
      “The difference between you and me is that I not only believe that fornication whether it be heterosexual or homosexual is sin, but I also believe that racism in all forms is sin. I believe that the oppression of the poor by the rich is sin. I believe that the separation of families at the border is sin. You ignore and are silent on social sins (with the exception of abortion) because to call out these sins is considered ‘left-wing’. The preachers that I hang out with are not nearly as limited as you are when it comes to the definition of sin.”

      When you call out these sins before getting a man and a woman born again by the Spirit of God and living by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are putting the cart before the horse!

      Those who do that are more interested in the comfort of the flesh in this world, than the eternal life of the spirit in the next.

      Racial inclusion MUST begin in the Church FIRST. Social and economic justice must begin in the Church FIRST!

      Racism is a sin because it violates the second greatest commandment, “Love thy neighbor as thyself”. Oppression of the poor by the rich is a sin for the same reason.

      I am “silent” on social sins when speaking to the world, because the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is about deliverance from sin and being born again by the Spirit of God and being filled with and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Read the sermons written in the book of Acts by the Apostles and see what they emphasized in their preaching! It was not social justice or economic equality; it was becoming a new creation in Christ Jesus, and the racial inclusion and the social and economic justice were to FOLLOW that transformation, not precede it!
      The message the world needs to hear is: Jesus Christ is Lord of heaven and earth, and the judge of the living and dead: Repent, and believe the gospel!

      The issues that you are concerned with are not unimportant, but they should follow conversion as the traits of true discipleship.

      We are citizens of heaven and ambassadors to earth, and we should only represent the interests of our King and His kingdom to the people of this world.

    5. Randy H Johnson, Jesus has called us to be salt and light in this world. That includes representing the values of the Kingdom of God in this world. That’s what William Wilbourforce, a Christian did who God used to end the slave trade in England. The Abolitionist Movement to end slavery in this country was birthed out of the Church and the Underground Railroad staffed by Christians. The Civil Rights Movement against racial segregation was birthed out of the Church. The pro-life movement was birthed out of the Church and is comprised primarily of Christians. No, Randy H Johnson, God has not called us as His people to be “silent” when it comes to injustice in this world, but we are to represent the values of our Father in heaven.

    6. Joseph Kidwell I understand. But the people of the world are spiritually dead and blind, and only receiving Christ Jesus as Lord restores their sight. And the greatest salt and light the Church can be is to be the thing the Church tells the world it should be.

      It is hypocritical to demand something of the world that we ourselves are not.

    7. Randy H Johnson the Church is not perfect. Sanctification is not glorification. We do not have to wait for the Church to do both preach salvation to the lost & represent and stand for the values of the Kingdom of God in this world.

    8. Troy Day.
      There’s no conclusive evidence of that, but it is possible, because the Word says in Psalms 51:5

      “I have been evil from the day I was born; from the time I was conceived, I have been sinful.”

      And it is possible that genetically some babies could be predisposed it sinning in homosexuality, because the Word of God also points to the fact that sin comes as a form or curse generationally (we can see that in real life). See this:

      The Lord…visits the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation. (Exodus 34:6-7 = Deuteronomy 5:8-10)

      So, yes, it is possible x a child ot have homosexual tendencies when born or other sin, BUT, REGARDLESS, when God says that it is NOT right before him ot lie down with another member of the same sex, it’s because it is NOT. It is sinful and NOT right or admissible.

      Surrender ALL your iniquities to God and he will cleans you from them, the Words says.

      That goes x all of us, because we all have the propensity to sin. We ALL have sinned. But many of us do our best by the Spirit of Christ NOT to sin again by will.

      All homosexual sin by will.

  17. Randy H Johnson apparently it does They say God made them that way. How would you challenge what God has done? It’s a tough one

    1. No man on earth is born the way God originally created men and women to be. All men and all women are born without the likeness of God in their life. They are all born without God’s power and personality in their lives. So no man or woman is created the way God wants them to be. Flesh gives birth to flesh, and all flesh is corrupt and falls into slavery to sin. The Spirit of God gives birth to spirit, and every human being must be born again from above by the Holy Spirit to see or enter the kingdom of God. Without the new birth no one can be saved and with the new birth no one can remain the same.

    2. Troy,

      God didn’t make homosexuals. Humans perverted their God given sexuslity. God created us perfect, without sin, but human sin from the fall of Adam perverted humanity. That is why Jesus came to restores us to our original divine form. It is doable x a person who surrenders one hundred percent to Him in total love and obedience.

      God doesn’t create sinful people. It is our human sinful heritage and choice.

      Christ can restore homosexuals or other sinners. Easy as that.

      If by one man, Adam, the humanity fell from the grace of God, how much more humanity can be completely restored by the Blood of the Perfect Lamb.




      We must be kind to homosexuals. The demons of homosexuality afflicting them are very powerful. And they are fed by our human carnal desires. Homosexuals must live in total surrender to God and they can be liberated form their homosexuality and not go back to it.

      The Blood of the Lamb is sufficient to cleans us from all unrighteousness, says the Word. That includes homosexuality and any other sin.

      Lady Gaga is TOTALLY WRONG.

  18. Randy H Johnson Roger Throckmorton are yall saying that IF a baby born in sin dies that baby goes straight to hell?

    1. No, there is the age of accountability. I remember someone stating that it wasn’t enough to know what what sin was, one also had to be able to understand that Jesus Christ was the payment for our sins.

    1. Not directly, but, we don’t find Him condemning Pedophiles, rapist, beastality, pornography, etc…. but, I don’t see anyone questioning if these are wrong or not. However, the apostle Paul addressed it in Romans chapter 1.

    2. There are two Greek words used in the New Testament that are descriptive of homosexuals. One refers to the aggressor and the other to the compliant. Both are condemned.

    3. Robin. God condemns homosexuality in the whole Bible. It is a perversion.

      Read my answer below.


      God didn’t make homosexuals. Humans perverted their God given sexuslity. God created us perfect, without sin, but human sin from the fall of Adam perverted humanity. That is why Jesus came to restores us to our original divine form. It is doable x a person who surrenders one hundred percent to Him in total love and obedience.

      God doesn’t create sinful people. It is our human sinful heritage and choice.

      Christ can restore homosexuals or other sinners. Easy as that.

      If by one man, Adam, the humanity fell from the grace of God, how much more humanity can be completely restored by the Blood of the Perfect Lamb.




      We must be kind to homosexuals. The demons of homosexuality afflicting them are very powerful. And they are fed by our human carnal desires. Homosexuals must live in total surrender to God and they can be liberated form their homosexuality and not go back to it.

      The Blood of the Lamb is sufficient to cleans us from all unrighteousness, says the Word. That includes homosexuality and any other sin.

      Lady Gaga is TOTALLY WRONG.

    1. Roger. God is clear. Homosexuality is a result of the fall of humanity and our generations insisting in sinning: a curse.

      But coming to Jesus Christ cleans us of all unrighteousness (in a process).

      Read my answer to Troy below.


      God didn’t makeTroy,

      God didn’t make homosexuals. Humans perverted their God given sexuslity. God created us perfect, without sin, but human sin from the fall of Adam perverted humanity. That is why Jesus came to restores us to our original divine form. It is doable x a person who surrenders one hundred percent to Him in total love and obedience.

      God doesn’t create sinful people. It is our human sinful heritage and choice.

      Christ can restore homosexuals or other sinners. Easy as that.

      If by one man, Adam, the humanity fell from the grace of God, how much more humanity can be completely restored by the Blood of the Perfect Lamb.




      We must be kind to homosexuals. The demons of homosexuality afflicting them are very powerful. And they are fed by our human carnal desires. Homosexuals must live in total surrender to God and they can be liberated form their homosexuality and not go back to it.

      The Blood of the Lamb is sufficient to cleans us from all unrighteousness, says the Word. That includes homosexuality and any other sin.

      Lady Gaga is TOTALLY WRONG. homosexuals. Humans perverted their God given sexuslity. God created us perfect, without sin, but human sin from the fall of Adam perverted humanity. That is why Jesus came to restores us to our original divine form. It is doable x a person who surrenders one hundred percent to Him in total love and obedience.

      God doesn’t create sinful people. It is our human sinful heritage and choice.

      Christ can restore homosexuals or other sinners. Easy as that.

      If by one man, Adam, the humanity fell from the grace of God, how much more humanity can be completely restored by the Blood of the Perfect Lamb.




      We must be kind to homosexuals. The demons of homosexuality afflicting them are very powerful. And they are fed by our human carnal desires. Homosexuals must live in total surrender to God and they can be liberated form their homosexuality and not go back to it.

      The Blood of the Lamb is sufficient to cleans us from all unrighteousness, says the Word. That includes homosexuality and any other sin.

      Lady Gaga is TOTALLY WRONG.

    1. You made a statement above about the church dealing with homosexuals in a wrong way. What would be the proper way?

    2. The church that knows God’s Word can not be. Wrong.

      Read my answer below to another person.


      God didn’t make homosexuals. Humans perverted their God given sexuslity. God created us perfect, without sin, but human sin from the fall of Adam perverted humanity. That is why Jesus came to restores us to our original divine form. It is doable x a person who surrenders one hundred percent to Him in total love and obedience.

      God doesn’t create sinful people. It is our human sinful heritage and choice.

      Christ can restore homosexuals or other sinners. Easy as that.

      If by one man, Adam, the humanity fell from the grace of God, how much more humanity can be completely restored by the Blood of the Perfect Lamb.




      We must be kind to homosexuals. The demons of homosexuality afflicting them are very powerful. And they are fed by our human carnal desires. Homosexuals must live in total surrender to God and they can be liberated form their homosexuality and not go back to it.

      The Blood of the Lamb is sufficient to cleans us from all unrighteousness, says the Word. That includes homosexuality and any other sin.

      Lady Gaga is TOTALLY WRONG.

    1. ah Malakos , thats a word I have not herd since Bible collage !
      In 1 Corinthians, before the word arsenokoites, is the word malakoi. Unlike arsenokoites, malakos is a very common word, with lots of uses. Generally speaking it means ‘soft,’ ‘flexible,’ or ‘delicate,’ as in fine (expensive) fabric, gourmet delicacies, gentle breezes. Matthew (11:18) and Luke (7:25) use it. It also refers to morals, where ‘flexible’ is not so good a thing, including dissolute, cowardly, lazy, weak, unstable, easily influenced – all qualities that were seen as feminine. In the culture of the time, women were culturally seen to be pretty, delicate … and worthless, far below the level of men, barely above the level of children and slaves.

    2. Robert Erwine In I Corinthians 6, maybe it means a participant in one end of a same-sex sex act.

      A retired chair of Classics agreed with that, and I have seen ‘catamite’ as a footnote for it in a Bible translation..

    3. Remember Paul was speaking to a culture and world phenomenally different from ours. That culture, with apologies to modern sensibilities, made an absolute virtue of misogyny; male domination of women was a part of the natural order. Except as child bearers, women were chattel, not even remotely on the same level as men. And to share any womanly characteristics was utterly unmanly. In this context, womanizers, who were interested in things that were worthless by definition, were considered effeminate. By contrast, male-male sex – associated with athletics and learning – was far more manly than what resulted from the love of a woman. And male-male sex between a master and his slave was not a matter of being homosexual at all; it was a matter of domination, of power. Greeks (and the Romans who absorbed their culture) took it for granted that everyone both could and might want to take part in either kind of sexual activity. The Greek idea of effeminate had very little in common with the modern notion – it reflected pervasive cultural misogyny.

      When paired with arsenokoitai, malakos seems to refer to a person that is a victim of sex with men – a slave, a prostitute, a catamite, a victim of rape – someone perhaps drawn into temple sexual rituals, and not necessarily male. With this word Paul is referring to the victim of sexual (and financial?) coercion, whether pederasty, pedophilia, rape, or forced prostitution. And if malakos indicated an underage male prostitute, the following arsenokoites would mean the one who forced himself on the youth. This would apply to heterosexual gay-for-pay prostitutes as well, as it would in any case where a male was subjected to forced sexual activity.

      Had Paul wanted a word that applied to the penetrated partner (i.e., female-like), there was a perfectly specific Greek word for that. And if Paul had really condemned someone for being ‘effeminate’ in the context of his time, he would have meant something very different from what the word means two millennia later, and we would consider him sexist and alien to a (modern) Christian’s belief system.

      The word malakos was simply not the same as effeminate with its current homosexual stereotype overtones. Feminine, or womanly, perhaps, along with some less complimentary adjectives; but not effeminate. Early versions of the Bible in English translated malakos as a general weakness of character or degeneracy (weaklings, wantons); however, with the translation that was named for King James, the dominant translation shifted to effeminate, where it stayed until the mid-20th century. Thereafter, purely out of sexual ideology, the translation has shifted to particular sexual acts/orientation. There is no more evidence to support this shift than there was the earlier one to effeminate.

      That some people persist in insisting that both of these words condemn homosexuality despite some clear evidence to the contrary is driven by an ideological interest in marginalizing gay/lesbian people rather than devotion to religion or any sort of accurate translation. And any attempt to stake an ethical position based on the Bible as the “word of God” without explicitly acknowledging the intermediacy of a translator exposes the speaker not so much as insecure but rather as at best ignorant and thoroughly lacking in credibility.

    4. Robert Erwine It sounds like you adhere to a certain sick interpretation of I Corinthians 6 promulgated in the LGBT movement that victims of male on male rape will not inherit the kingdom of God. Do you think women who get raped have no inheritence as well? Do you count them as fornicators?

      You cannot have it both ways. If malakoi has nothing to do with same-sex sexual activity, then why would it refer to victims of ‘homosexual rape.’

      The modern concept of homosexuality did not exist in the Greek world. It does not really exist in reality, certain aspects of it, not as it is presented by LGBT proponents, as something totally hard-wired.

      I looked up numerous uses of ‘malakos’ in Greek, and it does have a wide range of uses. There is a reference to excessive grooming. One said that malakoi plucked hair out of their thighs. Now, that, could be in preparation for a homosexual act. Philo wrote about ‘softees’ in the context of dealing with homsoexuals, crossdressers, and the like. He was a bit extreme, thinking they all should be put to death, not just those who engaged in homosexual acts.

      If Paul is not using ‘malakos’ to refer to someone who engages in homosexual acts, then arsenokoites is still condemned in the very passage.

      I also think you are too extreme with your argument about Grecco-Roman acceptance of homosexual behavior. As perverted as pagans can get, men made in the image of God may still see problems with sinful behavior. Certainly in the Greek Classical period some of the Greeks objected to homosexual perversion. Among Greek-speaking Jews, there must have been opposition to it. Philo is an example.

    5. Robert Erwine No, your interpretation is self-contradictory. Either ‘Malakos’ can be about sex, or it can’t. The sick interpretation is that it applies to rape victims, but not to people who willingly choose to submit their bodies to same-sex sexual perversion. So the kid who gets raped is said not to inherit the kingdom of God, but the grown man who chooses to engage in sexual perversion is said to be doing fine.

    6. Robert Erwine Why only the coerced, raped, and molested, and not adults who choose to sin? Why does the whole thing have to do with ‘misogeny’ anyway? Malakos isn’t related to the word for feminine or female in Greek.

    7. No, not really. I’ve been married for 25 years. I have four children. I’m a pastor in the Church of God. I also believe in science, not rogue science. i.e. homosexuality, climate change, etc. so, in honesty, I find the majority of your posts almost comical.

    8. Michael Todd Combs Well, aside from the dishonesty aspect of it coming from a pastor at that, your posts were pretty foolish. You can really damage your own reputation like that. I don’t recall posting much on science.

    9. Link Hudson not really honestly. Most people on here know I am not gay and understand satire. On top of that, my stance on many social issues and being a pastor in the Church of God makes me highly un- popular with other ministers already.

  19. Robert Erwine If some of them were going to be serial killers, little Hitlers, murder is murder. You don’t kill someone because they might sin some day or have an inclination toward sin.

  20. Robert Erwine Can you stop asking questions that are kind of dumb? Babies aren’t gay. Little boy babies aren’t inclined to fornicate with women either, not at that age. Your question doesn’t even make sense.

  21. Robert Erwine You have your own definition of terms ‘expression of sexuality.’

    Fornication is a sin. Men having sex with men is a sin. Humans having sex with animals is a sin. Having sex with certain close relatives is sinful. Sex is for marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman. We are not to ‘yeild our members’ to sin, including yeilding the eye to lust.

  22. It nots the parts in you that carries you to , the Bible Calls it hell. It’s if your heart has been washed in The Blood Of Jesus. And you believe in Him. And want to make Him Lord Of Your life. When He made man in the garden. He said it’s very good. God never made anyone with a body part that will take you to hell. You choose the way you want to live. Body parts has nothing to do with it. It’s your choosing. If you want to go to Heaven. Then believe that Jesus Christ is the Son Of God , and He died and took your sins and my sins and they were nailed to the Cross. You just uttering that you believe that when you know you don’t. It wont change. You have to really believe Him and ask him to change your life. Make you a child of God. God made nobody to go to hell. He gives everyone the same opportunity to choose wham you. You go on saying God made me like that. He never made one single person to go to hell no matter what your body parts are. He made you to believe on Him. And stop using those stupid excuses. And believe on Jesus Christ and let Him change your life. And go to Heaven. You won’t regret it. Eternity is forever. And he’ll is a long time. And stop blaming God in a way you can’t go. All you have to do is let Jesus come into your heart. And go to Heaven. Where God intended for you to go. Now I leave the choice with you but I pray that God turns you every way but loose. Until your life has completely changed and you are so in love with God. That you will know how to become a faithful witness for God. Trying to get people like that comes to God. I want you to know God , or me does not hate the sinner. It’s the sin He doesn’t love. That why He died for you. He loves you. I love you and God knows who you are. But I don’t know. Because you say you was made different. Doesn’t make me not love you. You are Gods creation. And I love you and have no idea who I’m talking to. But I know God Loves you and has already died to forgive your sins. My blood could do nothing. Bye The Blood Of Jesus can cleanse wash your sin away. To remove your son as far as the east is from the West. To remember them no more against you. Think about it. His love. Not to remember your sins ever again. And wash you whit as snow.

  23. Lincoln I’ve been trying to tell you you are funny sometimes that way 🙂 Michael Todd Combs are you familiar with the Pentecostal queer dialog Scotty Searan introduced us to?

  24. Link Hudson no. They should except Jesus. I guess you probably have children. Did you not give them to Jesus before they were ever born. I have prayed for my generation of people. My Children, grand children. And as many great as you could think of. In other words. I’ve prayed for my generations of people all the way down the road , as long as time continues.

  25. Michael Todd Combs I don’t really know you. I have just seen posts from you, and it is hard to keep people straight sometimes and remember who is saying what. But I wonder why you think it is appropriate to mock people, dragging your own name through the mud to do so. I couldn’t remember much about what you had posted, but I may have posted on this forum some time back ideas that I would post elsewhere or tell individuals about how those with same-sex attraction who profess faith in Christ should not consider their identity to be ‘gay’, but should reckon themselves to be dead to sin and alive to God. I have posted that a tendency toward same-sex attraction is not a sin, but yeilding to it is. I have also posted against the problem of saying homosexuals, gays, etc. go to Hell, when those who struggle with the issue think of the inclination to be attracted to the same sex–rather than acting on it– to be the definition of those words.

    So I am wondering why you think such things would be worthy of mocking and if you would appreciate someone writing you and telling them your preaching helped them overcome a sin, and then say they were just joking and thought your preaching was mostly comical. Honestly, your response did not make sense to me, since I do not recall posting on some of the issues you raised.

    I don’t really know you. You just told me you were an arsenokoites or a malakos. Then you told me you weren’t and that you were a COG pastor. No, I don’t get the satire, especially since I didn’t know you. And how many hundreds of people are on this forum that might read your admission of having engaged in same-sex relations but not read the part where you said it was not true?

  26. Louise Cummings I am not sure how you got on the topic of my own descendants. My question was in response to a question about aborting gay babies. I was pointing out the folly of the question.

  27. I wondered how you could think you could kill children that has those genes. When I know , and you do to that you can’t tell what a child is going to do when it grows up. Maybe you have some premonition I don’t have. If you know that when they are born. No one knows that. Dont tell me you have that much education, or doctors either , to know he is going to be a bad one. So get rid of that one when their born. I though if you was afraid that would happen. Just give them to the Lord before they ate born. I think that’s a good idea for everyone. I wasn’t just talking about any one. If you had children. I’m sure you have decayed them to the Lord. That way people wouldn’t have to worry about it. Because you trusted the Lord with them. Anyway I wasn’t throwing anything at you. I just could t understand how you came up with that question. I’ll admit. You got a brain on things I would never think of. I don’t mean in a bad way. You might discover something great sometimes. That you would make a millionaire some day. And might already have.Just remember what ever I’m saying. I’m not trying to throw some reflection on you. This wouldn’t be what is is without your remarks. Because I would never think of things like you do. Different opinions is good sometimes. I know people have a hard time figuring me out sometimes. I have a hard tim figuring them out. And not just you.

  28. Louise Cummings I wouldn’t say there was a ‘rape gene’, either. I wouldn’t say there is a ‘gay gene’ . My question was meant to point out the problem with Robert Erwine’s questions. But I would like his answer to that question.

  29. Babies doesn’t know how to make decisions. You can’t count them guilty, when they have no idea what it means. The Bible said unless you become like little children. You shall in no wide enter the Kingdom of God.

  30. Link Hudson First off, I want to apologize for what you took as mocking. Please forgive me as you do not know me, this have not been witness to my dry humor. In saying that, let’s start again so that we can have a meaningful conversation. I’m going to ask you several questions to get to know your stances on particular discussion topics. I hope that this will be acceptable to you.

  31. 1.) Do you believe in the science of the 97% that homosexuals are born being attracted to the same sex? (Please don’t copy and paste an article by a rogue scientist saying there is no gay gene)

    2.) Do you think that pedophiles are born being attracted to children?

    3.) Do you believe in the science of 97% when it comes to global warming/climate change?

    4.) Are you a flat earther?

    5.) Do you believe in “gay camps” where religious organizations take young people with gay tendencies and attempt to, “fix them?”

  32. Michael Todd Combs I dont believe that homosexuals are born being attracted to the same sex. I do need to ask how do you connect them to pedophiles and do you have any in your church ?

    1. Link Hudson there is a ton of research on this with many different conclusions. Common sense tells me it’s biological, this I do feel that there is some inclination at birth that is further developed as a child grows older. I do not think that we choose who we are attracted to.

  33. Michael Todd Combs From your questions, I suspect that you have me confused with someone else.

    I also wonder where you get your ‘science.’ I have research methods training in a branch of psychology as part of my management Ph.D., and while I have not researched the whole ‘gay gene’ issue in academic literature.

    I have read just a bit. I forget the percentages, but I recall one study showed a likelihood of one identical being gay if the other one was if they were raised separately. It seems like the percentages were high on that one. But still a gay twin would have another gay twin in the minority of cases as I recall. There could be a genetic component– an inclination toward certain sins in our fallen genes, sins like sexual sins, theft, etc. Some men who get women pregnant and abandon them have children who do the same. There might also be a kind of ‘spiritual heredity’ that is not passed on through acids in the cells.

    When it comes to science, a lot of people who are into ‘science’ read color magazines instead of those academic articles with regressions and research methodology. Articles in newspapers often have non-scientific, inaccurate explanations of what findings of studies actually support.

    I get some of my knowledge of this sort of thing filtered through other sources. Reading academic articles is boring if it is not your field. If you have ever listened to Focus on the Family back in the day when James Dobson addressed the issue of homosexuality, you probably heard him talk about it affecting men who had not bonded with their fathers at a young age. There is another psychologist who has gotten to be very popular on YouTube recently, Jordan Peterson. I heard him recently online addressing this same topic, saying the same thing about the ‘nuture’ aspects explaining male homosexuality, and rejecting the idea that it was all genetics. He’s worked at Harvard and the University of Toronto, so I would imagine he is familiar with the research on the issue.

    2) Pedophiles born being attracted to children? No, I don’t think newborns generally experience sexual attraction at all.

  34. methods training is good for church organization too – I’ve studied them some myself. Very relevant to the topic

  35. 3) I don’t know what you mean by ‘science of 97%’. I think the issue of whether cycles of cooling and warming are a much bigger input to the evironment than our output of pollution is a legitimate question. On the other hand, I can look out of my window and see the air. Global warming or not, people need clean air to breathe. Governments have to regulate this because we cannot depend on corporations to do it.

  36. God is not a sinner. His judgment is right and just and true. It’s his judgment that saves a man. It’s his judgment that delivers a man. It’s his judgment that separates a man from sin and death and hell. Apart from his judgments we are doomed and damned. You must come under conviction for sin and recognize the judgment of God against sin.
    Has to be brother…
    Has to happen…
    Must be, must happen.

    Romans 11:22 KJV — Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.

    1. There are scientific proven cases of hermaphrodite but it does not prove the gay gene theory. There are no documented cases in which both types of gonadal tissue function. Although fertility is possible in true hermaphrodites, there has yet to be a documented case where both gonadal tissues function, contrary to the misconception that hermaphrodites can impregnate themselves.

  37. No “fetus” (pre-born baby)is *gay*. Homosexuals are made, not born, however their lives are as precious and valuable as any human life. Robert Erwine, your point is a non-starter!

  38. There are scientific proven cases of hermaphrodite Link Hudson Michael Todd Combs but it does not prove the gay gene theory. There are no documented cases in which both types of gonadal tissue function. Although fertility is possible in true hermaphrodites, there has yet to be a documented case where both gonadal tissues function, contrary to the misconception that hermaphrodites can impregnate themselves.

  39. Hello Ryan Norris what exactly are you responding to when you tagged me? You dont believe homosexuality is sin? That’s not even sad That’s terrible Jose Antonio Rivera Link Hudson

    1. Not to me Lincoln. I love when ppl tag me so I know they need my opinion. I dont have the time to read ALL that is written on FB and general pay attention only to the comments that are properly tagged Tagging is a great tool like email You should try it sometimes Makes it personal

  40. Troy Day.
    I’m x God because I know Him personally. He has shown many things about him and how the devil operates. And I have conclusive proof and witnessed of his existence, power, mercy and grace, beyond any doubt, with several witnesses at the same time and in different places.

    I tell u this Troy:
    God exists and his Word is 100% Truth.

    Those know him in an intimate way can testify of that.

  41. if this was a certainty Pete Fiske , there wouldn’t even be a discussion , not a long post going back and forth that goes on for days . I will let you think about that for a second

  42. Homosexuality is a tendency to be attracted to the same sex. Is the tendency to be attracted a sin, or acting on it? Preachers have to be sensitive to this sort of thing. The LGBT movement programs people to think they are ‘born that way.’ They interpret statements like the title of the OP to mean they are just damned to Hell no matter what.

    1. Bob Wizenhut I just want to point out for the benefit of anyone reading this that you are a white nationalist who runs a fake pro-trump “black lives matter” facebook group. You apparently have a few sockpuppet accounts too?

      I am curious what your interest is in conversing with these Christians. You must think they are easy marks.

    2. Daniel Kenis I’d imagine it’s biology combined with not having some kind of event in my childhood, or even a series of choices, that interfered with the normal development.

    3. Link Hudson so you didn’t make a conscious choice. Biology plus life experiences turned you into the strapping hetero you are today.

      Curious why you don’t believe gays and lesbians when they say the same thing. Do you think demons are involved or something?

    4. Daniel Kenis Could be in some cases. Some psychologists say men tend toward homosexuality if they do not bond with their fathers.

      In the Bible, committing sin has to do with ‘yeilding the members’ of the body. It could be yeilding the eye to lust, or participating in a sexual sin in this case.

      Being tempted to desire something bad isn’t the sin, unless one gives in to it. That’s my objection to the wording of the OP.

    5. Fair enough. Do you think people who have sex out of wedlock should be treated differently than people who act on homosexual desires? Both are sins after all. Perhaps even involving demons!

    6. Daniel Kenis The 60’s were a bit before my time, but I never heard of people protesting in the street to demand that everyone accept men and women fornicating or committing adultery. I haven’t seen Christians persecuted much for speaking out against sex before marriage. Preachers preach against that sort of thing, too.

      There is no evidence for a phobia called ‘homophobia.’ That word is just rhetoric used against those who have a natural revolusion for homsoexuality or who are opposed to it on moral grounds.

    7. As for people in the street demanding a right to fornicate: they don’t need to, because we have that right. Since America is not a theocracy. And Christians don’t seem to mind. Christian bakers will make wedding cakes for divorced couples no problem.

      It’s only the icky gays asserting their civil rights who seem to give christians such a problem.

      I also like how you brought in “natural revulsion” to this discussion.

    8. Daniel Kenis yes they are. Forced to bake cakes for gays. Forced to perform gay marriages. The list goes on. No Christian is trying to force anything on gays. Christians simply point to the fact that it’s sin and the wages of sin is separation from Christ in eternity. Gays have a agenda. They want everyone to say it’s ok,acceptable and normal. Well it’s not. Neither is any other sin. Being gay is no worse than a man cheating on his wife or being a abuser , drug addict, thief, etc. sin is sin. Gays have made it out to seem like they are being abused simply because Christians tell them that being gay is a sin!! Gays are playing victim. The victim card is getting old. Gay people want to attach themselves to claims of racism. Being gay isn’t a race!!!! It’s a choice. Sure, liberals have created studies with very liberal scientists to say otherwise. However, many more have proven it’s not possible to be born gay. Just like nobody is born mean. We learn different traits. We become!!! Some become gay because they were hurt. Others become gay because they are taught. While others become gay to buck a system or fit into a group. Some people are angry with God and choose to rebel against Him. They deny His existence and try to prove evolution to justify their sin. But they know He is real inside their heart, otherwise they wouldn’t even have a conversation concerning Christ,sin or right and wrong. A homosexual couple wrote a book in the late 60’s or very early 70’s and it laid out the way to make the homosexual lifestyle normal and acceptable. Well guess what it said, make yourself a victim. Say things like “ we are persecuted” or “ we just want to be accepted “. The book goes on to create a roadmap for making the gay lifestyle the norm. Everything in that book is being said and done today. It has been followed perfectly. Many gays don’t even know it because they are just repeating what they have had drilled into their head from the liberals. Puppets to say the least. The hatred that gays have for Christians is so obvious. Gays call everyone else hateful, but it’s not hate to tell someone they are wrong!! Sorry but the definition of hate isn’t simply disagreeing with someone. Trying to play the victim card is weak and pathetic. You would think that the gay community could come up with some other tactic to try. It’s pathetic and disgusting that they try to compare themselves to people of color who have truly endured suffering. I would think that someone in the last 50 years could have come up with a better defense or argument Instead of trying to attach yourselves to people that have truly suffered. Stand on your own!!!

    9. Daniel Kenis There was a government that fined Christians for not baking ‘gay’ wedding cakes. If ISIL caught two men having sex and threw them off buildings for it, that would be a case of being persecuted for sexual immorality. I’ve heard of Muslims stoning fornicators.

      Btw, do you find gays icky?

  43. The Bible says homosexuality is an abomination so case closed I guess.

    Though it says this seven or so chapters before it says you can buy foreign slaves and pass them down to your kids as property (Lev 25:45) … so the real question is why should we care what this book says about anything?

  44. Matt 5:27-30 esv
    27“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. 30And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.

  45. Any sexual activity outside of monogamous, man-woman marriage is sin according to the Bible. Hetero- or homosexual.

    But I would say it is the activity itself, or the lust (strong desire, thinking about how you would do it if you could get away with it, or make arrangements for it) that is the sin.

    The heterosexual man who ogles a woman who isn’t his wife is just as guilty of sin.

    1. Are you referring to what I said. About it says in the Bible. It’s not you they hat but it’s really God. Those are the Words of the Bible. I didn’t just come up with that on my own. I lost where I was finishing a Bible verse to you. It flipped away. I can’t find it to finish the verse. But you can read it.

    2. Thank you. I understood what was said , about what you was probably who you was talking about after I had already wrote it down. I didn’t notice who said it. But they was talking about a church and how one of the leaders in it. I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions. But my statement was just above what your article was about. And I took it that you was talking about what I said. I know I don’t let things come into my mind. But Troy Day put something on under my statement. I understood that was what you was talking about. Sorry. I jumped to conclusions. I knew that didn’t sound like what anything I was talking about I’ll try to be more careful next time.

  46. Link Hudson curious how your non-dirty mind interprets moses’ commands to his troops to kill all the men and grown women of the conquered midianites, but “keep the young virgin girls for yourselves as booty.” (Num 31:18)

    Or the instructions in Deut 21 for how to deal with rape victims. If the rape occurs in a city, kill the victim ‘cuz she didnt scream loud enough. If the victim is an unbetrothed virgin, the rapist must pay her dad a brideprice and marry her. Kind of a “you break it, you buy it” situation I guess.

    In another thread you mentioned people with a “natural revulsion” to homosexuality along with opposing it on moral grounds. Personally, i think that captures pretty well how i feel about the bible’s position on rape. What about you?

    1. God had Israel kill the enemies because He is just, and he let those young women and girls live which indicates to me that He is merciful.

      The passage does not say to execute a woman for not screaming loudly enough. These are cases. If a married or betrothed woman committed adultery and claims she was raped, she could be executed. These are cases and judges had to consider extenuating circumstances, like if there was something loud going on or if she had lost her voice or whatever.

      The rapist could only marry her if the father, who watched out for her interests, allowed it. Two being one flesh is more important in the Bible than it is in the eyes of some modern people.

  47. They need to read the Bible. Let God speak to them. Unless they just don’t care sheathed they go to Heaven or not.The Pastor Of that Church should have his license took away. Or repent , because he won’t get by at Judgment either.

  48. That minister, but he can’t be Gods minister. He doesn’t know the Bible if he doesn’t believe that’s sin. Who would go to a church like that. Ca group of the same kind I guess. I would feel like I was sinning to go to a place like that. I won’t call it a church.

    Paul points the Corinthians to fact that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. The word unrighteous has no definite article in the Greek, unlike v 1 where the same word appears. This serves to emphasize character rather than position. It can describe both believer and unbeliever who lack godly character. Unbelievers will neither inherit nor enter the kingdom. Unrighteous believers will enter but not inherit.

    Some think Paul is referring to believers who because of the practice of unrighteous deeds lose their salvation. Others say it is referring to those who prove they were never true believers in the first place. Both positions equate inheriting the kingdom of God with entering God’s kingdom. However, in the near context Paul is talking to believers who would suffer loss at the Bema (cf. 3:13-15), but not the impossible loss of eternal salvation. They have eternal life that can never be lost.

    Yet these believers will not inherit the kingdom of God because of their practice of unrighteousness. The word inherit (kl¢ronomeœ) is often used in the OT to express the wider meaning of entering into full possession of a family inheritance. In other words inheriting the kingdom of God is not equivalent to entering God’s kingdom. To inherit simply means to possess and it includes ruling with Christ (cf. 1 Cor 4:8; 2 Tim 2:12). Both the OT and NT illustrate the possibility that some believers may lose their inheritance (Gen 22:15-18; 27:38-40; 2 Tim 2:12; Heb 12:16-17). Therefore Paul informs the Corinthians that they could renounce their inheritance privilege by their sinful lifestyles. They could live in the future kingdom but not possess it if they continued to live in their sins.

    He told them not to be deceived about those who are fornicators (a general term describing one who practices sexual immorality), idolaters (idolatry is the committing of unlawful deeds related to an idol), adulterers (sexual sins related to marriage), homosexuals (men who allow themselves to be misused homosexually), sodomites (male homosexuals). Neither should they be deceived concerning those who practice sins against others: thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers, extortioners. Believers who fail to live for God will not possess the kingdom of God.

    6:11. Paul reminds them that such were some of the Corinthians. But (strong adversative) they were washed, sanctified, and justified. Though they had practiced such things, and though some of them were still doing so (cf. 3:3; 5:1), they had been washed from their sins, sanctified (positionally set apart to God; cf. Titus 3:5), and justified (declared righteous) in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. These truths are true of the position of every believer, even unrighteous ones. Implicitly here Paul is calling for the readers to live up to their position.

  50. Revelation 22:14-15 REFERS TO UNBELIEVERS
    Those who obey His commandments will have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. The believer whose life has been characterized by obedience to God’s commandments will enjoy the tree of life (see comments on Rev 2:7 Rev 22:2), and the privilege of being able to enter the New Jerusalem through its twelve main gates (cf. 21:12-13). This does not mean that unfaithful believers will be excluded from entering the city; they simply will not have the honor and privilege of entering the city through the main gates (surely there will be other, possibly smaller, gates through which the others will enter).

    22:15. There are also those who will never enter the New Jerusalem. They cannot enter because they are outside the city in the lake of fire (see comments on 21:6 b-8). The unusual term dogs refers in the OT to male prostitutes (cf. Deut 23:18) commonly found among Canaanite religious cults. In New Testament times Jesus and the apostles used the term to refer to enemies of God’s Word (Matt 7:6; Phil 3:2). John’s emphasis here is that UNBELIEVING sinners will never be part of the new earth and New Jerusalem; they will be excluded forever.

  51. Romans 1:26-27 DESCRIBES THE SINS OF UNBELIEVERS. PEOPLE GO TO HELL BECAUSE OF UNBELIEF, NOT BEHAVIOUR. Paul says, For this reason [since they chose to worship and serve idols] God gave them up (cf. v 24) to vile passions. Hence, God gives them up by lifting His grace and allowing their desires to be fulfilled.

    An absence of God’s general grace allows human sin to go unchecked, which results in a greater perversion of sin. Paul explains those sins of vile passions by saying that even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Lesbianism, was rarely mentioned in ancient literature. Likewise…men…burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful. Corinth, the place from which Paul wrote, was an immoral city with homosexuality being one of its many vices. Also, one of Rome’s most notorious sins was homosexuality. Paul knew the penalty of their error came in different forms. Today AIDS and scores of other sexually transmitted diseases are examples of common penalties.

  52. RichardAnna Boyce since you are not up to the BIBLICAL discussion I would like to copy something I wrote to Philip Williams about @tiffany christine when he said

    think she is here for that and she needs the fellowship of passionate Christians like herself.

    I dont know here for what Most people challenging theology come for lots of reasons – many times to challenge GOD Himself but again and again we are more concerned with what the BIBLE says

    As I just wrote prior There’s an implication in Romans 1:26 that lesbianism is even worse than male homosexuality. Notice the phrase “even their women.” The text seems to suggest that it is more common for men to engage in sexual depravity, and when women begin to do it, that is a sign things are getting really bad.

    When women commit unnatural sexual acts, then the degree of immorality has truly become shameful. Lesbianism is evidence of people being given over to “the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another” (Romans 1:24).

    THEN just based on Rom 1 we have a number of related scriptures NOT just ONE that a strongly anti gay in the NT

    Jude 1:7 In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.

    1 TIM 8:10
    for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine

    Mark 10:9
    Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

    1 COR 7:2 But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband.

    1 Cor 6:9 LEV 18:22; 20:13 ARE a STRONG STRONG implication against lesbianism

    1. RichardAnna Boyce that could be the case but way off my expertise I am simply concerned with the meaning of the BIBLE – I agree that the issues beyond that remain

    2. when someone comes and says OK you have verses for man on man but NO verses for women on women I disagree even with my good friend Philip Williams that such logic is lacking not only Biblical exegesis but simple human wisdom

      I offered BIBLE Hermeneutics on the Rom 1 passage as related to the LEv. commands How can we separate Paul in Romans from what Leviticus commands? As Link put it simply – we cant We have to read the BIBLE as a book not cherry pick verses and make global claims this aint no theology more like agenda sorry to say

      Not to mention separating men from women in two issues is gender phobic even in that culture Same goes with being vs practicing When did being someone started to be separated from practicing Like what is a blacksmith who is NOT practicing his trade? Retired? Does this make him/her less of a blacksmisth ? Joe Absher

    3. Joe Absher Philip Williams Free grace is like communism – ends when someone has to pay the price JESUS paid the price for our free grace !!!

    4. Troy Day Jesus came to save sinners. The Holy Spirit can’t sanctify us until we receive it.

      We do have to test the spirits. I did and discovered her experience of grace to be from God.

      We don’t know people’s circumstances. Though we can judge acts and teachings, we must let the Holy Spirit be the judge of situations we don’t know.

    5. Wayne Dodd Grace Evangelical Society is a good place to start as it has thousand free scholarly books, articles, reviews. FG is basically cessationist but i graciously accept both camps as my wife and 2 out of my 3 pastors are continualists.

    6. RichardAnna Boyce I’m aware of FG I just didn’t know their were Pentecostals who subscribed. I’m a modalistic Pentecostal (not quite like the UPCI) and lean FG

  53. Matthew Vines wrote a book on this awhile ago. After reading the book, it is clear Matthew Vines was making excuses for his sin or clearly has no idea on what the bible has to say or meaning of original language. Example: Matthew Vines wrote: “The bible uses the same language for eating shellfish, as it does for homosexuality.” This is true in the King Janes version, but the King James version should have done a better job of translation, because original language does not support this.

    1. Troy Day Matthew Vines wrote: “Eating shellfish, uses the same word for homosexuality.” In the case of eating shell fish, the KJV uses the similar language for homosexuality. It has been a really long time since I studied this, but I know Matthew Vines was telling the truth, if he looked at only one version.

    1. Philip Williams I think it was Brown who wrote of a father with a gay daughter of some sort – The danger of forming theology upon our own experience is far more drastic than just reading the BIBLE I am still not impressed with you being so impressed as to refer to Brown – The Bible remains a holy book because it maps humanity’s journey with God, and not the other way around. Because it maps our journey with God, it maps our evolving understanding of how the Holy works in this world. Humanity has moved from seeing God as a harsh judge and lawmaker to a seeing God as full of grace, mercy and love.

      There’s an implication in Romans 1:26 that lesbianism is even worse than male homosexuality. Notice the phrase “even their women.” The text seems to suggest that it is more common for men to engage in sexual depravity, and when women begin to do it, that is a sign things are getting really bad.

      When women commit unnatural sexual acts, then the degree of immorality has truly become shameful. Lesbianism is evidence of people being given over to “the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another” (Romans 1:24).

      “no new textual, archeological, sociological, anthropological or philological discoveries have been made in the last fifty years that would cause us to read any of these biblical texts differently. Put another way, it is not that we have gained some new insights into what the biblical text means based on the study of the Hebrew and Greek texts. Instead, people’s interaction with the LGBT community has caused them to understand the biblical text differently.”

      Simply stated, if not for the sexual revolution, no one would be reexamining what the Scriptures state about God’s intention for His creation. No one would be wondering if two men or two women could “marry” or if a husband could also be a wife. No one would be doubting that the Lord made men for women and women for men and that any deviation from that pattern was contrary to His design and intent.

      At the end of the day, as a biblical scholar, a lover of Jesus, and a lover of people, it was impossible for me to accept pro gay arguments. The Word is just too clear on this, and without some kind of emotional or social or other pressure to reconsider what Scripture states, no one would deny this.

      We’re dealing with redefining the very meaning of marriage and claiming that a behavior that is plainly condemned in the Old and New Testaments — I’m talking about same-sex cohabitation — is now blessed by God.

    2. Troy Day I know very well about this. The cultural war didn’t begin with Stonewall, but the ‘Angels in America’ episode in Charlotte back in the mid-nineties when the gay community discovered that they could make Christians appear as the aggressors. This was before Brown came to Charlotte, but my friends were much involved. I introduced Brown to them and helped him obtain the venue for his famous debate with the Human Right Commission’s Christian spokesman Harry Knox. That’s when I learned that the real enemy wasn’t the gays but the big business community. It’s the business corporation’s, not particularly the gays, behind the true assault on Christianity.

      As Adam Smith explained, business requires vice for its success. Virtuous people only need God.

    3. Philip Williams yes I lived in Charlotte for a time Brown was no where to be found Derek Prince Min. had headquarters there in mid 90s Anyhow the Sodom interpretation is wrong The sodomites very much wanted to KNOW the angels The aggression of the demonic aggressor is very clear on this video where the preacher has to stay alert and defend himself from the gay crowd

  54. OH hello Joe Absher NOW that a Biblical scholar opposed Tiffany Christine Alberti lack of exegesis she decided to block yours truly Isnt that some desire to discuss and talk about the Bible? Philip Williams RichardAnna Boyce Now wouldnt that be the gay spirit of Sodom Frances Strickland called out

  55. Link Hudson posed a good question to RichardAnna Boyce What do you think about polygamy? Why would sex with the same sex be allowed, but not that? What about sex with animals and incest? Do you think that is okay, too?

    THOUGH his answer reminded me of one of his video from back in the day

  56. Philip Williams Ima keep on hammering this nail a bit more until someone gets it

    Homosexual desire is not what God originally intended. This is not to say that homosexual desire is the only thing that God did not originally intend. All of our desires have been distorted by sin. But Paul does describe both lesbian and male homosexual behavior as “unnatural.” Some have argued this refers to what is natural to the people themselves, so that what is in view is heterosexual people engaging in homosexual activity and thereby going against their “natural” orientation. According to this view, Paul is not condemning all homosexual behavior, but only that which goes against the person’s own sexual inclinations. But this view cannot be supported by the passage itself. The words for “natural” and “against nature” refer not to our subjective experience of what feels natural to us, but to the fixed way of things in creation. The nature that Paul says homosexual behavior contradicts is God’s purpose for us, revealed in creation and reiterated throughout Scripture.

    1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

    In these verses Paul is describing different kinds of people who (unless they repent) will be excluded from the kingdom of God. Four kinds relate to sexual sin, and two of those specifically to homosexual behavior. The ESV takes the latter and puts them together as “men who practice homosexuality”, while the NIV translates them as “male prostitutes and homosexual offenders”.

    The first of the two terms relating to homosexuality is malakoi, which translated literally means “soft ones.” In classical literature it could be used as a pejorative term for men who were effeminate and to refer to male prostitutes (hence the NIV’s translation). In 1 Corinthians 6 malakoi comes in a list describing general forms of sexual sin, and the context suggests Paul is most likely using it in a broad way to refer to the passive partners in homosexual intercourse, as we are about to see.

    The second term he Paul uses. is arsenokoitai. This is a compound of “male” (arsen) and “intercourse” (koites, literally “bed”). These are the two words used in the Greek translation of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, suggesting that Paul is linking back to those two passages. (Paul has already just made a connection with Leviticus in 1 Corinthians 5, where he condemns the church’s acceptance of a man living with his father’s wife using language that echoes Leviticus 18:7-8. For Paul, the sexual sins which Leviticus prohibits remain forbidden for New Testament Christians.) Arsenokoitai, then, is a general term for male same-sex sex, and its pairing with malakoi indicates that Paul is addressing both the active and passive partners in homosexual sex.

    Paul’s reference to lesbianism as well as male homosexual conduct also supports the idea that he is condemning all homosexual activity, and not just the man-boy relationships that occurred in Roman culture.

    1. Troy Day just don’t attack Tiffany Christine Alberti’s relationship to Jesus. I will defend her. Address the subject if you think that is needed in this group. I think, not so much. Christ chooses people like her, and the rest of us, to build his church.

      Are you familiar with the parable concerning who most loves Jesus?

    2. Malakos had a broader meaning than just catamite though that is how Paul seems to use it.

      I do not get why a group of translators would translate as ‘male prostitutes’ unless they had an agenda. Is there any evidence that money changing hands as a part if the term.

      It would seem Paul was condemning both participants of a ‘homosexual act’ using a different word for both. The man-bedder (or man-@*!#er) and ‘the softee.’

    3. Philip Williams no one attacked her relationships with anyone Link Hudson may have some but after ALL we are talking about the BIBLE – if the BIBLE attacks the issue with stoning we cannot change that And we cannot know of Lot evangelized – his soul suffered there and his wife loved it there Usually the evangelists wife dont like where they are sent There is also hardly any results from his evangelizing if any and if you dont count angelic appearance and Gods judgment FOR SURE though the issue of Sodom was homosexual man with man and woman with woman – the BIBLE clearly tells us the men were repelled by women and women loved it there like Lots wife did Meaning to tell us the issue which Noah had with his sons after some minor drinking was exactly the same in Sodom except multiplied through the generations between

    4. Link Hudson which ones are you referring to? Lots story in Genesis or another one – the issue of Sodom was the sodomites – trasnlation of Heb qadesha beating on the door with aggressive purpose to know them GEN 19:4 But before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both young and old, all the people to the last man, surrounded the house. 5 And they called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, that we may know them.” ‘male prostitutes’ is a streams from the translation of Heb qadesh as in temple prostitute wrongly asserted by gay

    5. Link Hudson oh Philip Williams asked if he was one – I think he may have been trying to be funny on ol Lot

    6. Yes, we know what the men of Sodom wanted, but here is how the Lord explained Sodom’s sin to Jerusalem:

      “As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, your sister Sodom and her daughters never did what you and your daughters have done. “ ‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.”
      ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭16:48-50‬ ‭

    7. Asked if who was one what?

      The word ‘Sodomite’ in English comes from the word ‘Sodom’ but the Biblical case against same sex sex activities does not rest on that.

    8. Link Hudson Paul explains God giving men over to that as the consequence of unbelief rather than the root cause. We need to focus on the root cause which is not acknowledging the Creator.

    9. Philip Williams yes, but what if the one who professes faith who does such things?

      I see the passage as telling us this type of sexual wickedness came to be among men over time as they rejected God. I ee t s something hat happened over time , possibly generations. But these are still sinful acts.

      An Israelite who had knowledge of God who performed them–like his pagan neighbors- was still sinning. And Leviticus 18 shows that these were sons got Gentiles also, who were driven from the land over it.

    10. Link Hudson those Scriptures are relevant but we must remember that we are of the New Covenant. Jesus is our righteousness. All the commandments are aiming for the main ones, completely loving God and loving our brothers and sisters. Unless we truly know their situation or God reveals it, we should be careful with our judgments. If we really knew certain situations, instead of pointing fingers we might be weeping. That’s what is going to be like when the Lord returns. Everyone will be weeping because we didn’t know and didn’t understand. Read Isaiah 53. It is not just about Jesus on the cross, but also the true body of Christ in the earth.

  57. Jeremiah 17:5 KJV — Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

  58. God’s stance is on homosexuality is CLEAR but where is this new teaching on being gay vs practicing gay – what is the difference? – nothing more than feelings? Philip Williams

    1. “Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. …1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:9-10

  59. Philip Williams Danger of applying SANTIFICATION truths to JUSTIFICATION. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Paul points the Corinthians to fact that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. The word unrighteous has no definite article in the Greek, unlike v 1 where the same word appears. This serves to emphasize character rather than position. It can describe both believer and unbeliever who lack godly character. Unbelievers will neither inherit nor enter the kingdom. Unrighteous believers will enter but not inherit.
    Paul is talking to believers who would suffer loss at the Bema (cf. 3:13-15), but not the impossible loss of eternal salvation. They have eternal life that can never be lost.

    Yet these believers will not inherit the kingdom of God because of their practice of unrighteousness. The word inherit (kl¢ronomeœ) is often used in the OT to express the wider meaning of entering into full possession of a family inheritance. In other words inheriting the kingdom of God is not equivalent to entering God’s kingdom. To inherit simply means to possess and it includes ruling with Christ (cf. 1 Cor 4:8; 2 Tim 2:12). Both the OT and NT illustrate the possibility that some believers may lose their inheritance (Gen 22:15-18; 27:38-40; 2 Tim 2:12; Heb 12:16-17). Therefore Paul informs the Corinthians that they could renounce their inheritance privilege by their sinful lifestyles. They could live in the future kingdom but not possess it if they continued to live in their sins.

    6:11. Paul reminds them that such were some of the Corinthians. But (strong adversative) they were washed, sanctified, and justified. Though they had practiced such things, and though some of them were still doing so (cf. 3:3; 5:1), they had been washed from their sins, sanctified (positionally set apart to God; cf. Titus 3:5), and justified (declared righteous) in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. These truths are true of the position of every believer, even unrighteous ones. Implicitly here Paul is calling for the readers to live up to their position.

    1. “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him…each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”
      ‭‭James‬ ‭1:12, 14-15‬ ‭

  60. Our love for God must be stronger than the urges of our flesh, the desire to follow and please the world, and the shrewdness of the demons that seek to control us. Jesus Christ can deliver us from all these things.

    1. William DeArteaga I remember that Could you PM me the transgender article(s) We will make sure they get published on our website

  61. William DeArteaga has written that about Leanne Payne, a disciple of Mrs Sanford, and one who has mighty contributed to the Christian understanding and healing of homosexuality. See her works, especially Broken Image.

    1. William DeArteaga Is it possible to PM me that particular section or extract so we can publish it here pls

    2. Yes, Leann Payne’s Broken Image is a very good source, although it does not apply to or answer all issues for all homosexuals, but still one of the best sources.

    3. Paul L. King I am still looking for the original article There was an actual scientific research mentioned

    4. It isn’t possible to exhaust the wisdom of God or his willingness to save and deliver.
      But I don’t think its fair to demand repentance of the world when there is so little of it in the church.

    5. Joe Absher it isnt but when a gay person comes into a theological group starting to make posts of how we are not to JUDGE these human matters it is time to set the record straight Philip Williams Who called them out?

  62. Link Hudson witches were on the rise in schools nowadays too They were trained to intercept children from Christian families and to invite them trough a great manipulation to pride clubs and activities Through this type of witchcraft has been mainly in the Boston area its now on the rise in the South Joe Absher can give more info about the SF area though he may not know about the same going on via the 5G line that can penetrate human DNA and as for Isara Mo I know lots of people in Africa pray to the queen of the sea – same demon overall if you ask Charles Page

  63. I labored through this article since it is in strange columns and very difficult to do text to speech (the only way I can read).

    I am very shocked that this Mennonite, who comes from the pietistic tradition, would advocate for the legitimacy of “loving relationships” between homosexuals!

    While he does seem to cover all the relevant passages in Scripture. He tries to make a distinction between dominating relationships in the homosexual lifestyle as being bad and “loving“ “monogamous“ in a homosexual lifestyle as if it is OK!

    Furthermore he tries to say that if people love each other who are having a homosexual tendencies that’s OK as long as they don’t act it out.

    So he is very confused!

    The Bible is very clear and no uncertain terms is any type of homosexual relationship to be tolerated! We are not even to allow our minds to dwell on that type of perversion.

    The post modern day lies of: “born gay“ and “loving Homo relationship“ and “homosexual marriage“ are all the deceptions & lies not founded on Scripture, historical cultural norms, societal beneficial behavior, or commonsense. Instead, they are based on the whims of sinners, evil sinful desires and behaviors, and pluralistic garbage ideology!

    1. If you love your neighbor, rightly you will not seek to engage in a sexual relationship with him that God forbids because you do not want him to sin against God.

  64. “You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

    Always a great scripture when people try to cast judgment on others

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