This is my article on “Praying the News.’ It was inspired by the Rev Frank Laubach’s idea of praying While waiting on lines or other public places The link is to Pneuma Review, a wonderful Pentecostal/charismatic e-journal. I check it out almost daily for its great articles, and reviews. The editor, Raul Monk, a very godly man and wonderful friend, has gathered together a stable of great writers and scholars, but also accepts submissions from persons just beginning on their writing.

The “news” is by its nature, mostly negative. An airliner that makes it to its destination is not news, but one that falls out of the sky is. The national TV networks try to include positive news stories such as “the person of the week” segment on…

20 thoughts on “William DeArteaga : Praying the News

    1. Although I can’t open the link, my answer is a definite yes. There is an EU summit starting on Thursday when the UK will be asking for an extension of its membership. Britain is in much confusion over Brexit, the country is still divided in many please pray for the EU and the UK. The most urgent thing is the whole of Europe needs to see genuine revival.

    2. Troy Day Because my virus protection software says it is an unsafe website and blocks acceess to it. I have seen this link elsewhere and it does the same thing. I cannot overide the bloocking setting on my protection nor do I wish to.

    3. which website exactly? there are several links – article is about Sweden getting rid of the euro

    4. Troy Day What do you propose we need to learn from it? There have been some strange interpretations of it in some quarters. We never accepted the Euro in the first place and we still have Pounds.

    5. but Ireland did – that should have never happened It was the beginning of the end of the UK The great Irish protestant experiment given by (was it) Max Weber is now history

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