White House Orders Shorter Steps On Air Force One For Aging President To Navigate, But Joe Biden Continues To Fall Sparking Concern


Joe Biden has started using shorter steps to board Air Force One after a string of embarrassing stumbles while boarding the presidential plane. Joe Biden turned out to be the perfect ‘trojan horse’ for his New World Order handlers, and putting him into power enabled a veritable free-for-all at the highest levels of our government. But as […]

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Joe Biden has started using shorter steps to board Air Force One after a string of embarrassing stumbles while boarding the presidential plane.

Joe Biden turned out to be the perfect ‘trojan horse’ for his New World Order handlers, and putting him into power enabled a veritable free-for-all at the highest levels of our government. But as ‘Father Time’ remains undefeated, Joe Biden is literally falling apart as the whole world watches. To mitigate that, Biden’s handlers are having him use the lower, shorter steps to get in and out of Air Force One. Did that help? Nope, he is still falling up the steps.

“And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.” Isaiah 3:4 (KJB)

Earlier this week, Joe Biden hosted the president of Israel Isaac Herzog, and a video was released of the meeting with Biden nearly coming to an unintelligible halt. As much as they are enjoying using him as their cypher, the New World Order is most assuredly looking around for a different body to inhabit at this point. But this insanity is not relegated to the Left only, the likely Republican candidate for president, Donald Trump, may or may not be in prison on election day in 2024. The only sure thing is that nothing is certain, and the future of our nation is 100% up for grabs by The Swamp creature with the strongest hands. Trump’s 2016 vow of ‘draining the swamp’ was not fulfilled on any level, it’s remains in 2023 deeper and more powerful than ever.


Joe Biden using smaller stairs to board Air Force One after string of highly visible stumbles

FROM YAHOO! NEWS: The US president has traditionally used the 26 steps at the front of the presidential plane to board Air Force One, however, he is increasingly using a shorter set that retracts into the belly of the aircraft. Mr. Biden used the smaller stairs to board the aircraft for every flight on his recent trip to Europe which included journeys to London, Vilnius, Helsinki and back to Washington.

Nevertheless, Joe Biden still stumbled halfway up the shorter steps ahead of a flight from Helsinki last week after meeting Nordic leaders.

Although it is not unheard of for presidents to use the shorter 14 steps, they are usually reserved for adverse weather. Two of Mr. Biden’s advisers told Politico the longer steps were being avoided in order to limit the possibility of stumbles and make travel easier for the octogenarian president.

On a 2021 trip to Atlanta, Mr. Biden repeatedly fell over as he attempted to run up the stairs, to his plane. Earlier this year, he also tripped as he boarded Air Force One in Warsaw.

Mr Biden has widely used the smaller steps on domestic trips to and from Chicago, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Rocky Mount.

A White House official told Politico: “There are a series of factors that go into the logistical decision-making on this. This includes “weather, what kind of airport we’re landing at and whether there is a formal greeting planned for the tarmac where we expect that press will want an official photo at the bottom of the tall stairs.”

The official added: “There’s not one hard and fast rule – it is a decision made on a variety of factors in a wide range of settings and circumstances.”

The 80-year-old president made it roughly halfway up the 14-step staircase connected to the presidential plane in Helsinki, Finland, when he took a misstep and appeared to brace himself for impact before quickly recovering and making it up to the aircraft’s lower entrance.

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But whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Time is short and we need your help right now. The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ. Please pray for our efforts, and if the Lord leads you to donate, be as generous as possible. The war is REAL, the battle HOT and the time is SHORTTO THE FIGHT!!!

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

The post White House Orders Shorter Steps On Air Force One For Aging President To Navigate, But Joe Biden Continues To Fall Sparking Concern appeared first on Now The End Begins.

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