Reality Check! :: By Anna Hoak


I’m going to preface this post with this: the Bible teaches that certain things are abominable to the Lord, and yet some of those things are openly celebrated by Christians. (Magic, other gods, spiritism and mediums, etc.) It’s a contentious topic, but regardless, the discussion is started with the obvious premise having been established that: […]

The post Reality Check! :: By Anna Hoak appeared first on Rapture Ready.

I’m going to preface this post with this: the Bible teaches that certain things are abominable to the Lord, and yet some of those things are openly celebrated by Christians. (Magic, other gods, spiritism and mediums, etc.)

It’s a contentious topic, but regardless, the discussion is started with the obvious premise having been established that:

According to God, if we literally take Him at His word, magic, spiritism, mediums, other gods, etc., is bad.

(I will say that’s made very plain in the Bible if you need the proof.)

Most of us would also agree that condoning and or participating in something that’s categorically and undeniably sinful/bad/evil is not okay.

But what about if the bad thing also offered some wholesome stuff too, say to market to a bigger group of people? Should we attend this mainly bad thing just because some okay stuff has been added to it? No. Of course not.

Similarly, adding a sprig of flowers to a glass of poison doesn’t change the fact that poison is not something to mess with.

If there was an event approaching that most of the world considered bad or morally reprehensible, you wouldn’t think Christians would attend it. A lot of good people, in general, wouldn’t go near it.

In fact, most decent people would either openly protest against it or avoid it entirely, to say the least.

To prove this point, consider this: the following illustration is a (obviously fictional) parallel situation that I purposely made as evil as I could imagine in order to clearly illustrate the widely understood concept that no matter what’s added to something or what it’s labeled as, bad is still bad, good is still good, and that’s just that.

The illustration:

A movie is playing. In it, a group of Christians get invited to a literal satanic child sacrifice celebration in the woods and decide to go to it because (and here it is) that’s not all the event will offer; there will be family-friendly activities happening too for people who may not want to participate in the darker ritual. The only thing a person has to do to enjoy those family-friendly activities is show up and decide what they’ll participate in once they get there.

Now, whether this was just a movie or if, in real life, you somehow walked in on a bunch of Christians hanging out at such an event (even if they weren’t actively participating in the evil act itself), would you think they really belonged to Christ? This is assuming that they are doing their own wholesome thing with their friends and family at this event while other people are in the near vicinity “doing their own thing” (the sacrifice) as well.

Be honest. You would not believe any of those people are Christian. No. You’d be horrified that such a thing was happening at all. Even not knowing why the Christians were there, merely seeing them hanging out doing their own thing at an event like that, you would be just as horrified that these people *who call themselves Christians* weren’t trying to put a stop to it! You’d be wondering why they weren’t at least dragging their loved ones away from it in horror.

From the Christians’ behavior and body language, you would also intuit something else: those Christians chose to be there because they are not acting like hostages or dazed individuals transported in unwillingly, but instead, like people purposely attending an event they had access to. You’d also know that their attending for any reason other than to try to stop it from happening is wrong; it’s blatant condoning, if not celebrating, the evil act being done in their midst, and you would be dismayed at their display of apathy toward evil.

Celebrating Halloween is the same thing for Christians.

I know, I know. You don’t believe me. You don’t agree.

You yell, “But kids dressing up in costumes and little magic wands and faerie wings is nowhere near the same level of worldly or evil as a satanic child sacrifice!”

To us humans, that may seem true.

However (though mostly ignored), there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary from countless individuals who were heavily involved in the occult before finding Jesus, people who keep testifying that it *is* the same. And knowing what they know, they are totally gobsmacked that Christians participate in Halloween.

They say that if Christians knew what they knew, no way would they participate in that kind of activity.

So I tell people, and others tell people so that they know what the former occultist-turned-Christian knows.

And the average person couldn’t care less; they just brush it off.

*But God does not brush it off.*

To God, sin is sin.

Bad is bad.

“But she’s just *pretending* to be a witch/faerie/goblin! That’s not the same as actually practicing witchcraft!”

Really? Do you think demons care about that?

No! They’ll take any opening we give them and latch onto our lives. Remember that they work for the one whose sole purpose is to kill, steal and destroy.

All they’re looking for is one little crack, one little deliberate sin, and they’ll dive in, doing all they can to simultaneously open the door wider and wreck that person’s life. And unfortunately, that person will have given them the legal right to do so. They especially love when a believer lets them in. That’s like sweet nectar to them.

“Come on,” you say. “God doesn’t pay that much attention/ care that much if I celebrate Halloween my way. He understands I’m trying to give my kids a normal childhood/witness to the lost for Him.”

Do you honestly believe that those kinds of semantics are going to hold up in front of a Holy God?

For that matter, do you even really know what Holy means?

“My sin isn’t as bad as *his* sin. I should totally be allowed into heaven.”

Not how it works biblically. The Truth is the Truth. It’s not subjective. Sin is sin.

And no sin is going to enter into Heaven.

“You’re just being legalistic!”

Ah, the timeless response of believers who don’t like being convicted of their sin.

Please try to remember that claiming God didn’t say something doesn’t actually remove the fact that He really did say it. Emphatically, I might add.

“Whatever! I don’t have to listen to you!”

You’re right. You don’t. You have free will. So do what you want, but make no mistake about it: God will not be mocked, and He won’t be manipulated.

Now, to be clear, I don’t want to act like a pharisee. I won’t question the fact that on any day and in any circumstance, Jesus would be out tending to and loving the masses to Him, even on Halloween.

That’s what the Pharisees hated, that he mingled with sinners.

What they missed, however, was that he was not condoning their sin. He was loving them in spite of it, forgiving them of it, and then telling them to sin no more.

He did not participate in drugs or overindulge in alcohol. He didn’t participate in practices that worship other gods in order to reach the lost. No. He was just Himself for them, an example of what to be, and many *left their sinful ways behind* and followed *Him* and *His ways* instead.


That is the difference between what Jesus and His disciples did, and what believers celebrating Halloween nowadays do. They’re having “trunk or treat” parties and going trick-or-treating with their kids. They’re claiming it’s what Jesus would have done, that He would have mingled to reach the lost.

Not like that, He wouldn’t. He *didn’t.*

Read the Bible! He told them to stop sinning. He didn’t do what they did while loving them away from it.

But nowadays, that’s what these pastors/Christians will imply; many even outright claim it.

And that’s not acceptable.

We’re not supposed to sin with those sinning against God in order to win them to Him.

We approach them, yes. We insert ourselves into their lives where possible and show them a different way to be, yes.

But we are not to indulge in/condone/ignore their sin.

If their sin is something we’re currently wrestling with, then we have zero business trying to edify them about that sin or even being around them. If we’re being real with ourselves, we’ll admit that being around a sin that we ourselves are struggling to stop indulging in is only going to entice us to join in on it. No one in that scenario is going to walk away a victor.

If we really want to serve evangelically, we should be careful to serve people with different sins than the ones we’re struggling with so we can encourage and strengthen one another in the daily battle without the risk of dragging each other down.

We are to lovingly act and talk like Jesus when in the midst of the lost so that we may win them to Him with His example. We are to show them the way they should go, not walk in sin with them and merely describe Jesus to them.

We should be keeping ourselves separate from their chosen sins, loving them into acting the way Jesus acted instead.

That’s why so many evangelical attempts don’t take. The evangelized see no difference between themselves and us. They don’t see a supernaturally changed life. Christians should stand out starkly from the rest of the world’s humans. We’re supposed to be a light to those stuck in the dark.

Would you go to a drug addict and participate in drugs with them while trying to convince them to stop using drugs? No. Of course, you wouldn’t.

Why can’t people see that this is the same thing? I’ll tell you why. Because participating in Halloween is more fun than not, and it makes us more acceptable with the ones we’re trying to reach. That’s why

But we are not called to be acceptable to the world, blend in or participate with the world. We are called to be in the world, yes, but not of it. Never of it.

There’s a huge difference between how Jesus won the lost to Himself and how pastors/Christians are trying to do it in our modern times.

Christians are not doing it the way the Bible says Jesus wants them to do it; they’re not submitting their will to Him. They’re acting on their own will instead, just assuming He’s condoning what they’re choosing to do because they’re Christian, instead of sincerely asking Him and listening for His response. And as a result, more and more people are being led astray.

As Christians, we have a responsibility to lovingly and firmly tell the truth. Even if no one likes it.

Even if no one wants to hear it.

Even if it gets us downvoted or taken down.

Even if it costs us everything.

We know this because Jesus taught us to follow His example of living, and He even sacrificed His very life so that the Truth could




What are we doing with our freedom?

The post Reality Check! :: By Anna Hoak appeared first on Rapture Ready.

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